Tikaboo Peak the tough hike to Area 51

1 year ago

This is showing Sean, and I hiking to Tikaboo Peak for a look at Area 51. We had one weekday to do this hike, but the weather report called for snow everyday except on this day. The day we chose was up to the weather, and they had called for sunny skies all day. The weather report was wrong, and we got 3 snowstorms on the way up, and a horrible one on the way down.

When we finally made it to Tikaboo Peak it was snowing very hard, and we couldn't see anything around us. We were over 8,000 feet in elevation, and were in the clouds with wet snow falling hard.
During the hike Sean, and I kept each other's spirits up knowing there was no reward of seeing the base waiting for us at the end of a very hard hike. It's not hard to get Sean to go on hikes with me, but Tikaboo is different. I had been talking about Tikaboo to Sean since my failed hike I did last year at night. The problem with this hike is that Sean would have to get up at 2am then we had to drive an hour on the highway then another hour on dirt roads. Even a hike that shows you Area 51 isn't that appealing to a teenager. Sean only had one week off between spring baseball, and summer baseball starting so we had to do it this week.

I did not want to try to video Area 51 in the summer because of the heatwaves that rise from the desert, and building's. We left Vegas at about 3am later then I wanted, but now glad we did. The sun just started showing some sun rays as we were going up Badger Road. I show you how to get to Tikaboo trail head step by step off HWY 93 then through the desert all the way to the mountains of Badger Valley.

This is a long video because I know a lot of you are planning a trip to hike up Tikaboo Peak. There is no video that actually shows how hard, and dangerous this hike is. Only videos showing people charging up easy parts in-between breaks, and I wanted to show what it's really like. As soon as you park, and make your way to the pointing monument your already trying to catch your breath, and the (monument is pointed in the wrong direction). There is even north, south, east, and west arrows that are completely backwards on the monument. GPS doesn't show you which paths to take so I mostly relied on my compass, and a map. Once you make it to the most difficult part of the hike your legs are already screaming at you. As you'll see that mountain only gets steeper, and steeper as you go up. Once on top, and heading northwest to the Peak of Tikaboo. To my surprise you have to go over 3 other mountains.

The snow fell the hardest as we were on the last leg of the hike. Once we got to Tikaboo Peak it was snowing very hard, and there was no chance of seeing or videoing the base. As we stood on top of the peak looking at the weather station I could see a little bit of blue sky over Rachel. The clouds were speeding by us faster then I've ever seen clouds move. While we were still in the clouds Area 51 literally starting glowing. Sean started setting up the tripod as I got the camera ready. As we were walking up I filmed myself saying please don't expect the best pictures, and video from me. I thought it would be another few years until someone topped what is on the web now. When I zoomed into Area 51 I couldn't believe my eyes on how well, and close the base was showing up. I really think it had to do with the snowstorms cleaning the air, and cooling the ground. Also with the clouds all around except for over the base it was just completely lit up like I said. We heard 3 or 4 jets while up there which I thought were JANET jets, but we couldn't see them. I still have only reviewed about a quarter of the footage, and to my huge surprise. We filmed a JANET jet that just landed, and was taxiing across the runway, and I never saw it, and wasn't zoomed all the way, but still got it good. I did film the Area 51 helicopter flying from the north end of the base to the south end. Filming conditions were so good that I filmed beyond Area 51, and found some very interesting things. Again I felt I needed to show this hike for anyone that is planning on doing it because I do not suggest doing it! Even if you have no interest in going to Tikaboo Peak I know you'll enjoy this video. Something to think about as your watching. Sean runs miles every week, and practically lives in the gym, and on the baseball field. Look when he can't even stand anymore, and has to get on all four to get up part of that mountain, and listen to his breathing.

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