Digital ID Bill Supplementary Video

1 year ago


FIRST UP-AN AMERICAN EXAMPLE, posted today by Dave Hodges:
MIGRATION AUSTRALIA:-Causing a housing crisis?
-Australians marginalised for both housing and work; look around and see how many foreigners (no blame on them, as they are only doing what our governments enable them to do); however, if you look around you will see immigrants everywhere: in service industries-shopping centres, transport-and the multitude of businesses run by immigrants-are they economic migrants or genuinely in some sort of peril-everywhere, whilst governments are happy to leave our own people homeless and unemployed and not forced to seek the work they are obliged to undertake;
-are Australians being muscled out of the workforce?;
-why do we need all these immigrants when we are In a housing crisis;
Is this what we can expect from this mass migration-will Australia “fall” as this article suggests is the case with Italy:
The Islamic Doctrine of Migration:
Why The King and The Pope Are Not The Real Deal:

The Digital ID Bill-questions to consider:
-does this Bill represent a social engineering exercise, for which there is no Head of Power in the Constitution;
if so, then the bill is unlawful, in that the concomitants of this Bill may lead to:
1: a cashless society in which the Banks have total control of people's money;
2: cyber-security concerns:
-cyberspace is inherently insecure, as evidence by these instances:
-AI is a major concern that is not being addressed properly, with no proper regulation in the offing;
-the Queensland electoral roll in Chinese hands?;
-nothing will be private when everyone’s data is online with governments that have no right to that data;
-the Banks have already suggested that anyone doing “harm” (undefined) may be denied access to their funds-by what right, give the Banks self-confessed tens of thousands of criminal money laundering instances:
the Commonwealth Bank is not the only Bank so charged:$700-million-fine-money-laundering-breach/9831064
-that fine money could have funded masses of public housing;

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