1 year ago

I had to go back to the same spot where the camo dudes do not want you to go for a better shot. Just before the sun went down. I thought I had a good chance to film these newer sensors. I set up my tripod in the back of my truck while parked at the border on Savio Road. I can't say what these square devices are. Until I find out from someone who really knows, and can confirm it. I now know that they have two heavy cables attached to them. Also there facing bald mountain. Bald Mountain is the tallest mountain between Area 51, and Rachel. The white radar domes can be seen from the Tikaboo Valley, and Sand Spring Valley. This radar station is unmanned making it fully remote controlled. The camera on Bald Mountain is much larger then any other surveillance camera in the area. There is a newer, and smaller radar facility just northeast of this facility. I did get a shot of it, but I felt I needed to hurry. So look to the right of this main facility, and you will see another white radar dome.
What has me very interested is the long tailings pile I found made up of big hard rock or waste. There was many mining operations in this area. I have maps that show every mine, open pit, and even small prospect holes. I found nothing that shows that much ore being removed or any mine large enough to do so in the area. The way it is stacked is the way a modern mine would do it today, and heap leach the ore. I doubt any heap leaching is going on because it is clearly waste ore. I could see clearly where the haul trucks would drive up, and dump their load over, and over. That would have had to of been a very large mining operation to make that large of a tailings pile. Thank you all for watching. Christian

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