This nurse said she "felt good" for getting vaccinated. She gets hospitalized because of the vaccine

1 year ago

Fuck the healthcare industry. They are full of worthless whores who sold their soul to the devil. They don't even have the decency to be honest about how dangerous the vaccines are. One such soulless creature by the name of Krisena Curry sacrificed her life for evil scum by not only getting vaccinated, but by also saying that she "felt good" for getting vaccinated on social media as if it's "safe and effective". What a load of bullcrap. Some time after, she had to be hospitalized for having chronic headaches so severe, they thought she was having a stroke. Brought to you by pfizer, and all the other poisonous injection companies. Screw them all, and screw all the doctors and nurses who promoted this poison. The world will be a better place without the satanic healthcare industry in it.

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