Bowled 6 games of Open Bowling. had splits, splits & more splits with a high game of 220

8 months ago

Bowled 6 games of Open Bowling. had splits, splits & more splits with a high game of 220.
I just bowled for the hell of it & it was HELL too!! almost had the back 6 pack but had a 9 on the the last ball.
I think I did learn something though. I think I need to be more angled to the right gutter to get good hand position. I think my current hand position sometimes causes me to get splits! 4 spits in a row in one game, 5 splits in another game. I even had 2 splits in the 220 game but picked one of them up! then I picked up another split in another game as shown in the header JPG page.
Picked up the 5-8-10 split & the 5-10 split

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