1 year ago

Joe, and I go to the end of the mine. Before we even got into the mine the sky was full of jets. I wanted to make sure we made it to the end of the haulage tunnel, and we did. I didn't want to do much editing in this video so you could get the feel of being there yourself. The only editing was some of us walking to the end of the tunnel, and walking back out. This mine is massive with twelve levels, but most or all the ore came out of this tunnel.

I'm back making videos, and have many to share. This video was filmed the day before Thanksgiving, and is a part two to the last video. I have been back to Area 51 many times since this video was filmed. If you follow me on Facebook you saw pictures of many jets flying out of area 51. In all the years that I've been working at a mine north of Area 51, and driving back, and forth. This past month has been more active over TTR, and Groom Lake - Area 51 then I've seen in years. There hasn't been one time driving on the 375 or 6 highways that I haven't seen jets doing maneuvers. Talking with friends that work at the test site have all told me it's due to N. Korea. I hope you enjoy this video, and thank you for watching. Huge thank you to Brennan, Alexandra, and Madge for your generous donations towards the new camera. Brennan, Alexandra, and Madge would you please email me your addresses so I can send you all something. Thank you all Christian

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