1 year ago

I always wanted to investigate this building, and out of all the buildings this one gave me the biggest scare. This is the newest building built, but is still many years old, but still in good shape. If Zak from Ghost Adventures is looking for a place to have a good show it's definitely here.

This mine which is just miles away from Area 51 broke ground when Abraham Lincoln was still president. Over the years four different mining companies have mined here. First they were chasing silver, and small amounts of gold. It wasn't until World War l until the mine started making big money. Led, copper, zinc, and most of all tungsten had tripled overnight. The previous miners were just throwing those precious metals away making huge mountains of ore to find silver. They thought they had found the next Comstock Lode.

I'm not convinced about the paranormal, but everytime I visit this mine it gets me thinking more. I can't explain the noises, and voices that I constantly hear while in here. The worst is when I heard someone walking up the stairs. It got so bad that there was big crashes of metal being moved or thrown.

I have been back to Area 51 a few times since this video, and have a lot to show. I also have big plans comimg up.

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