(AREA 51) Metal detecting secret entrance....

1 year ago

Another reason why I got in the trouble that I did while at Area 51. I metal detected the secret mountain gate leading into Area 51. The gate in the mountains which I like to call it, but is mostly referred as the secret gate. I love metal detecting, and have always wanted to detect parts of the border of Area 51. I once again cut out a lot of video so I can get to the part where my footage was lost.

I've received many comments on how I got in my trouble that night, and had the footage erased. It didn't happen the night I filmed the base from Groom Lake Road, and the base was lit up. In all the years of driving past the base on the 375. I've never seen the base that lit up, and reflecting off the clouds. I think I may have filmed something I was not supposed to film. I don't know, and I'm doing everthing possible to get the footage back. My trouble happened as I was leaving, and driving back to Las Vegas. The video is coming.

I was told after this trip that something was going to happen at Area 51. I was told what day, and time which was late at night. Even told where to go, and hike in for the best shot. It was definitely worth taking the long way around, and staying up all night.
Thank you for watching, and I hope you enjoy this video. Christian

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