Pt 6 The Connection Between Skin, Nutrition & Mental Health - Conclusion

1 year ago

Is there an association between pale skin and anxiety? In this video I try to explain that there is, and that it has everything to do with what we eat, or more so what we don't eat enough of these days. I've experienced first hand how greatly nutrition can affect both the visible and invisible signs of health. Today I see so many people who fit a pattern, a pattern I find obvious. Amazingly, I feel as though I'm all alone in seeing this pattern and even more alone in being willing and able to explain it. This is a sensitive topic, I know, but I also know how hard it is to suffer with poor mental health, and how powerful understanding is in bringing about positive change. This is my best attempt at communicating my understanding. I hope it helps someone.
Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional and nothing I say is professional healthcare advice in any way.

Part 1 of 5 is where I introduce my back story and the pattern I see.
In part 2 I explain how I see mental health as largely a reflection of physical health.
In part 3 I discuss cholesterol and it's many connections with mental, sexual and digestive health.
Part 4 introduces both carotenoids and iron as important nutrients for looking and feeling our best.
Part 5 brings awareness to the dangers of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Part 6 summarizes with a conclusion and finishes off my own personal story of health and nutrition up to present.

If you've watched all 6 parts I really appreciate you! I will be putting out more content in the future and I promise my editing skills will improve :) so make sure to subscribe if you're interested in my perspectives.

Here's the full poem that was dispersed throughout parts 1-5

The sixth of my senses, at least so it seems, is one I share with very few.
I see sick people.
I see them every day.
I see them in perfect view.
The causes of illness forbode from deep within.
Whenceforth, though invisible to some, I see the signs exude on thy skin.

With better words, with better mind, with better heart, could I explain all that I see?
to those sensitive souls who languish.
They languish, in a place they know not that they may leave,
as if tethered, taut, with unseen strings, to the every thought they so falsely believe.
Their escape, is but not even a dream,
and yet, at least so it seems, is a vision of which only I have ever seen.

Lord help me, share this vision, if it's the very last thing I ever do.
Help me, help me, help me, share this vision, and not just with the very few.

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