"The Wrestler" (2008) Directed by Darren Aronofsky

1 year ago

Darren Aronofsky’s fourth film, written by Robert D Siegel, was his most critically acclaimed before Black Swan, with two rightly acclaimed and Oscar nominated performances from his leads. However, and going against perceived wisdom, this is for me the weakest of his six films to date and the least stylised with his own directorial imprint. That’s not to say it’s a bad film just the least Aronofsky styled film to date.

The film follows a standard linear timeline following glossy opening credits recounting the glory days of wrestling in the 1980’s, of headlining Madison Square Garden to huge adoring crowds and a sport reaching it’s zenith in popularity. “20 Years Later” we find “Randy ‘The Ram’ Robinson” (Mickey Rourke) for the first time. Hunched over in pain in a small dressing room we never see his face, just his broken or at near breaking point body. We still don’t see his face or a clear view of The Ram (he insists upon being called Ram or Randy and always a nod toward his professional persona) as he signs autographs for ardent fans awaiting his departure. But the scene around him encapsulates his professional life, a small municipal gymnasium doubling for a wrestling arena, a few sparse chairs being tidied away diligently by effusive organisers and fans, and an old wrestling superstar walking gingerly away, wheeling his small luggage behind him.

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The above paragraphs are taken from my original spoiler free review of "The Wrestler" penned and published nearly a decade ago, transferred to my Medium blog site on 27th January 2022 and which can be read in full and for free via my Substack blog site and original article linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review is also integral to my 7 volume series of "essential film reviews collection". Currently only available in e-book form, each substantial volume of numerous film reviews are priced at £4.99 per volume, however should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package you can read each and every volume for free:

All 7 Volumes



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