The CCP Supplies Iran With Weapons-Grade Uranium

1 year ago

01/04/2024 Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show: Grant Stinchfield says we know that Iran wants to blow Israel off the face of the earth. If they had their choice, they'd blow America off the face of the earth first. When are they going to have a bomb? We're now getting word they're reaching close to 60% enrichment of uranium, which becomes weapons-grade. Thanks to the New Federal State of China and your whistleblowers, this is not Iran technology getting to weapons-grade uranium. This is the CCP supplying them with weapons-grade uranium.
01/04/2024 妮可做客Grant Stinchfield Show:格兰特·斯廷奇菲尔德谈到,我们知道伊朗想要把以色列从地球上抹去。如果伊朗有选择的话,伊朗会首先把美国从地球上炸掉。伊朗何时能拥有核弹呢?我们现在得到的消息是,伊朗的浓缩铀丰度接近60%,已达到武器级。幸亏有新中国联邦和其爆料者,我们才得知其实伊朗并没有生产武器级铀的技术,而是中共在给伊朗提供武器级铀。

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