The HighWire: Barbara Loe Fisher exposed lobbying in congress that corrupted the 1986 Act

1 year ago

Yesterday on The HighWire, Barbara Loe Fisher exposed the lobbying in congress that corrupted the 1986 Act into what it is today: 72 childhood “vaccines” on the schedule, without any consumer protection, whatsoever.
(Full interview:

Thank you, Barbara, for your continuous efforts to end this "Plague of Corruption." (Read

Make Pharma liable again!

"Del Bigtree: Let's focus on the one product that by definition, is designed to trick your immune system. If you stop someone on the street and say: What is the vaccine do?... Well, I don't know. It's like it takes a little part of the virus I guess. And it tricks my immune system that's thinking I've had a disease." And so we trick the immune systems. What I say in every interview, we don't trick that immune system in a child one time, not five times, not 10 times, not 20 times not 40 times not 50 times not 60 times... 72 TIMES!!! right now! we're tricking the immune systems of our children. And we are shocked! - Barbara Loe Fisher: What do vaccines do in the body? They cause an inflammatory response, by design, by design! And if you have genetic predisposition, to not be able to resolve inflammatory responses, they know now, science knows that chronic inflammation is at the root of most chronic disease. - Del Bigtree: It's what almost all modern health practitioners all trying to get rid of our inflammation. - Barbara Loe Fisher: Exactly. So here you go. You have a little baby in the womb, and now they're giving the mother vaccines and that's causing an inflammatory response in that mother's body and the fetus is developing. God knows what's happening with the fetus they're not looking at it or if they are they're not telling. The baby is born at 12 hours of age in the newborn nursery, the first immunological assault, they inject that baby with hepatitis B vaccine, even though in 1991, we had almost no Hepatitis B here, one of the lowest rates of hepatitis B in the world. - Del Bigtree: Mothers are tested for Hepatitis B before they give birth. So there's no reason for this product. - Barbara Loe Fisher: We're gonna give the babies... and I'll tell you why that happened... I was in 1985, I went to the ACIP committee with a mother whose baby had died after DPT. Her name was Leslie Chapman. And we were going to talk to them about that. I had to listen to all the talk before we got a chance to talk. MERCK was there and the rep was saying to the to the doctors to the ACIP: "Look, we've got this hepatitis B vaccine, if you can't get it into the high risk populations," (which at that time was who had multiple sexual partners, IV drug users was number one, okay?) "You're just gonna have to make sure to pass laws to shoot it into the arms of every high school kid in the country, because we're not going to have an orphan drug on our hands."

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