Former IDF Soldier Speaks Out

1 year ago

There is no solution for a so-called state that has literally spent 75 years breeding and grooming psychopathy, hatred and delusion into its children... a state so evil and terrorist by design, a state so wrong on so many levels... other than to dismantle it and set its people free.

The people of the world will discover the "Holocaust" was created by the Khazarian Zionist Nazis, the secret protected by the media and the bastardisation of the "anti-semite laws" as khazarians are NOT semites, but the Palestinians ARE. The khazarian zionist owned media then spun the narrative as the REAL 75 year holocaust against Palestinians took place, protected by the zionists within the UN, NATO, and all three-letter agencies and central banks. Since 1948 the khazarian Ashkenazi zionists have brainwashed Hebrew jews to hate those they once lived in harmony with, real hebrew jews, muslims, and christians alike. The khazarian media, the jesuits, the wahabbis, and zionists are all the same paganistic scumbags who sewed division between the religions that they created for that very purpose. ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, they are all controlled opposition, with zionists often using false identities, something that the Khazars are well known for. The Khazars have ZERO bloodline connection to the Holy Lands. Indoctrinated Hebrew Jewish Israelis need to be re-educated, so the Talmud and its Rabbinic Judaism is sent back to satan. Palestine can then return as it once was (but better) before the British Zionists in the City of London (Rothschilds) inserted their parasitic tentacles in the region.

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