Eternity Online Church Service - "Keeping Eyes on Jesus" (2024)

1 year ago

Eternity Online Church Service - "Keeping Eyes on Jesus" (2024)
Pastors David & Rosanna Palmer
Praise & worship
Prayer for healing

Creative Presentation: "Extreme Challenges and Changes" - Rosanna Palmer,
Encouraging and faith building message including song excerpts from Rosanna's original songs:
Hungry Heart,
Praise Him,
I am an overcomer,

SERMON: "Stay Ready for Trumpet, Part 1: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus" - David W Palmer

(Luke 12:40 NKJV) “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

(Matthew 24:13 NKJV) “He who endures to the end shall be saved.”

(Revelation 2:11 NKJV) “… He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.”

Week 1: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

(Hebrews 12:1–3 TPT) As for us, we have all of these great witnesses (martyrs) who encircle (clothe) us like clouds. So we must let go of every wound that has pierced us (every arrow tip in us) and the sin we so easily fall into. Then we will be able to run life’s marathon race (obstacle course, gauntlet) with passion and determination, for the path has been already marked out before us.

{2} We look away from the natural realm and we focus our attention and expectation (that he is enough) onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God! {3} So consider carefully how Jesus faced such intense opposition from sinners who opposed their own souls, so that you won’t become worn down and cave in under life’s pressures.

THEME: How to Keep Your Eyes on Jesus So You Do Not Sink!
1. Put on Your Running Outfit
2. Run Your Assigned Race without Hinderance
3. Look Away from All but Jesus; He Is Enough
4. Access His Power that Is Available to Imitate His Example
5. Trust Him to Prevent You from Becoming Worn Down and Caving in Under Life’s Pressure
6. Consider Jesus—Keep him in Full Focus All the Time
7. Receive Jesus’s Salvation and New Birth Today—if You Haven’t Already

Jesus, Lord, Father, God, Holy Spirit, Saviour, sinner's prayer, born again, salvation, new creation, eternity, gospel, testimony, second coming, rapture, race, joy, rejoice, change, overcome, praise, appetite, spiritual hunger, praise, Rosanna and Dave, Rosanna's Raiders, Changes,

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