5Jan24 Global Governance (Not Government) Has Begun. Here's How to Resist

1 year ago

Epstein — the dog that didn't bark. Massive trove of videos missing (taken and cataloged by Epstein, seized and disappeared by FBI). Do the docs from this one case "exonerate" Trump as conservative media pronounces? And what of JPMorgan's involvement

(44:30) Don't expect to see global government declared or a global capitol to be built. Here's how global GOVERNANCE will work…and why it has ALREADY BEGUN

(47:30) A look at what the surviving author of the team that produced the Fourth Turning says are four possible outcomes for America in the next 5 years — which one do you think more likely or do you have another possible outcome?

(1:36:40 Pfizer Dis-Honor Roll: Politicians They Bought Invest $1, get back $10,000 — politicians are the best investment money can buy. Ever wonder why Republicans aren't pushing back against the medical martial law and bioweapon jab? Pfizer gave 52% of its contributions to GOP & 48% to Dems. Here's who got the payola.

(1:48:01) DeSantis' Surgeon General, Ladapo, does the right thing and recommends NO ONE get the jab due to DNA contamination and sloppy manufacturing. It didn't take long for AP to come after him…

(1:53:02) Journalist who turned his indignation over unvaxed people into a trademark, has reality catch up to him after at least 4 jabs

(1:55:20) Police detective knows what was killing children with SIDS. 70% of those who died had one thing in common

(2:04:26) INTERVIEW Catherine Austin Fitts — The Great Pushback Against Globalism Catherine Austin Fitts, solari.com, joins to talk about the rising resistance to digital slavery and the key to the fight — Financial Transaction Freedom

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