Making a 3D printer with enclosure from scratch

1 year ago

In this video we build a new printerframe for our trusty old I3 Printer. It got a bit out of hand and we ended up building an entire new printer and enclosure.
The frame exists out of 30x30mm aluminium extrusion profiles and is based of the Caribou3D (also called Zaribo) frame upgrades for Prusa I3's. The electronics are placed in a modified @ratrighardware V-minion enclosure. These parts are open source and the files are available online.
This makes it easy to piece together a complete printer for the DIY'ers. As all the "Cool Kids" on the internet have CoreXY printers is it still relevant to build a Bedslinger? Well we think so, because it's opensource you can modify everything yourself, you build it to your own specs.

We use this printer mainly to print structural parts in ABS for our projects. Since the printspeed for ABS is a lot lower, a simple bedslinger is more than fast enough. It's running Klipper software so everything is customizable.

Let us know in the comments below what you think of our new printer.

If you could use any of the parts that we made you can download these from thingiverse:

And as always thanks for watching!!!

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