NEW 05/01/2024 - Archangel Michael. Supreme Father. Gnomes. Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

1 year ago

Archangel Michael. Supreme Father. Gnomes.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez.
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Archangel Michael.
My Beloved Souls,
I am, Archangel Michael, here today to speak to all of you about important matters regarding. your planet.
If you were a negative soul and you tortured, abused or killed other beings like humans, you end up being removed from your body and transformed into a bubble. You then are put in a Faraway location from everything and unknown to anyone, it’s a place, where all of the Evil souls are bouncing around in the form of a bubble, without ever the possibility to reincarnate again.
This is their punishment to float around non stop and reflect on their crimes, which they have done, when they had bodies. As a dark soul, all you see all of the time around you is many other negative souls, who look like bubbles, and are bouncing around each other. They also constantly see all of the bad things, they did to others in their old lives. They can’t even talk to each other. This is what is waiting for anyone who wants to do Evil things to others.
You don’t want to become one of them, to be in that form for eternity without a chance of being able to be redeemed back to physicality. This place was created by Supreme Father for all of the Evil souls.
This Solar System was protected and thrived for many eons, until the Evil Entities broke through and started to destroy the balance and peace around this Universe. This has been going on for a very long time now. Divine including the Ascended Masters are ready to put an end to these destructions, mind manipulations, suffering and etc.
Look, what happened to the human race, which changed so much, that they became a reflection of Evil without even knowing it. Humanity is not capable to see, what is a real truth, follows false narrative by fake celebrities, who worship satanism and have been killing little children and drinking their blood to look young during their satanic ceremonies.
Divine and the Galactic Light Forces are making sure that these dark souls are not getting their hands on young kids. A lot of the celebrities drastically aged, because they could not get access anymore to children’s blood.
The same goes for the Vatican, it’s all total Evil there, which has been brainwashing humans always with their fake religions. They stole all of the wealth from humankind by leaving only the bare minimum to survive. You would think, that all of you would have gotten awaken by now, it’s not the case, billions of you are still asleep, otherwise you would see big changes on your planet.
Nothing is settled in your reality, only chaotic negative energies get send from everyone around the world. I want to clarify regarding the Archons and Solar Flares. Archons are a very old Galactic civilization, they left your planet a long time ago. They came here only with a curiosity to see, what was Earth about to experience something new. They have seen and done everything possible from being around for a long time in the Universe.
Archons can’t experience emotions, so they tried to feel them through the humans and eventually they got bored, as Archons didn’t find humans, so exciting and left your planet to explore and experience something new somewhere else. They didn’t do anything negative to humanity, as it’s being falsely portrayed on your planet in the messages.
The Solar Flashes or Flares don’t do anything to Mother Earth, by the time these Solar Flashes or Solar Flares arrive from the Universal Sun to Gaia, they are completely harmless and have no power left to effect your planet in anyway. Message after message about them, it is not going to change any outcome on Earth. When Ascension will happen on Gaia, there will be no big Solar Flash Event. Only Divine knows, what will happen when Ascension occurs on your planet Earth.
It’s time to stop following a false narrative. If you want to see progress, first connect to your soul through meditations, otherwise you are going to continue to be fooled by humans. Only Divine is sending daily high frequencies to break your false reality. Humans posting lies and deceptions in their messages is only going to confuse everyone and slowdown the Ascension Process. Only the intervention from Divine is flushing out everything to the surface without the possibility to hide anything Evil anymore in your world.
Divine also has her own plan for transitioning Earth‘s inhabitants into 5D and higher dimensions. Unfortunately, humankind cannot be trusted in this process, we, Ascended Masters, can see, why everything is taking forever to come into reality. Humanity is still allowing politicians to run elections and control the narrative, all of them need to be striped from their bodies and changed into a bubble form and send into the Universal Consciousness without the right to be in a flesh body again.
All of you are responsible for this mess on your planet, you didn’t do anything to stop it. Your destiny is in your hands. Soul always chooses, where it wants to travel. and what it wants to experience. You wanted to be here, and now it’s up to you, what ending is going to be on Mother Gaia.
My Beloved Souls, now is the time for you to wake up from this false reality and move into higher energies, the window of opportunity is closing, as Divine is not going to allow for this to continue forever. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please accept my Blessings and Supreme Love
We Are All One.
Supreme Father.

Greetings My Children, 
I am Supreme Father, Father of all Fathers, and I am coming today, as you are in need to hear, what I have to say to humankind.
Right now, you are in a limbo between two dimensions. Majority of humanity are staying in a very low vibrations such as 3D or even lower. The reason is that they lived many incarnations in a low frequencies, so it’s not possible for them out of the blue to become advanced beings.
This can only occur gently and slowly, first through the awakening and then by connecting to the Universal Consciousness within your soul, otherwise it’s not possible to move to a multidimensional reality.
Ascension represents a full transformation of the body together with being a fully awake being in 5th dimension. If you are looking for shortcuts, you are not going to find them. The spiritual work must be done, despite if you want to do it or not. You won’t be able to function in higher realms without knowing the basic spiritual principles. The Divine keeps crushing negative energies, which were collected over the millennia.
Europe and USA are flooded with emigrants, for example this number is going to shock you at the United States southern border over 100 million people crossed over to the country. The corrupt souls are trying to destroy the Texas state by overwhelming all of their resources with so many people. They are building a whole city filled with emigrants in that state without the permission of Texas state.
The Negative Ones are spending a lot of money to bring emigrants to USA and Europe. It’s planned and well coordinated. For example, people coming to American border, before they get there, they stay at camps or at hotels, where they eat, rest and are given instructions on how to cross into America country. All of this is paid by the governments across the globe. At these camp locations they can have up 20,000 people there. Also a lot of them come by on trains. Negative souls are not doing this out of their goodness of their heart.
Most of these immigrants will have the worst jobs in the society, their lives will be controlled from every aspect, and they will be the first ones that will be experimented on by the Dark Controllers.
Darkness is doing that on purpose to lower the vibrations of world countries by sending humans from poor countries. It wants to continue to split up everyone and turn on each other. The same thing with homelessness to make humankind to continue to suffer.
The Dark Entities came out with a new agenda by stealing kids from around the globe in order to create a new fully controlled generation without the capabilities to think for themselves only just to follow the orders. They are holding these children in abandoned buildings, which were former big shopping stores with up 5,000 kids per location, and then put them into adoption going to the chosen families, which are mostly dark.
The Negative Ones are doing this in front of the human faces. At these same spots people are shopping in stores next to these abandoned buildings with children in them, which also have security guards watching the area.
As usual, Darkness is only concerned about their survival and continuation of its existence. I need to clarify to everyone that the Light Community is tainted and most of the messages are completely false. It has been said many times, no one listens and continues to spread the fake information. If you don’t take our words seriously, you are not going to ascend by reading and spreading the faulty data, it will only lower your vibrations.
As you see by now, many things have been said and given dates, which never came to reality. Only a small number of souls are going to ascend, the rest of the population will be transferred to the planet Zenxa. I would like for everyone to move to 5D or higher, right now, we are waiting for a specific energetic alignment around your planet.
Ascension is going to replace physicality into Light body, no more primitive flesh with millions of issues. Also, a reminder that medical beds are not available yet, don’t get scammed by the Dark Entities. Everything you see now around you, it needs to be dissolved into the Cosmos, it represents a low vibrational frequencies that can’t exist in 5D.
You need to understand that the transition is not going to be easy, many of you didn’t reach a required level for moving to a New Earth. Stop wasting your energies on meaningless things and focus on your expansion into higher vibrations by doing daily meditations. Long journey on Mother Earth is coming to the end.
This process will be completed without any setbacks. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. My children, please, embrace my Supreme Love.
Follow Divine

Hello Humans,
We are Gnomes, and we are here to introduce ourselves to humankind through this channel.
We are real and staying right now on a New Earth, 5D version of your planet where everyone is trying to ascend to. We love being there, as no one is disturbing our peace and harmony. Before we lived in Inner Earth, and some of us lived in Hollow Earth with Zorra. After your planet’s ascension we moved there to 5th dimension.
Your five dimension version of your planet Earth is much bigger than your three dimension version. The New Earth is 100 times bigger, than your 3D reality you’re living on right now. This is very common in the Cosmos, higher dimensional planets are usually much larger than lower dimensional planets.
The main reason for this everything is taller and bigger in higher realms. The beings are taller, homes, trees, nature in general, and animal life is taller and bigger. For example Queen An-Ra and Anubis Egyptian civilization has 15 feet tall wild cats and 10 feet tall cobras as pets. Also, right now none of the Galactic Light Forces motherships can land on your 3D version of Gaia, all of the motherships are bigger than your entire planet.
If you are fortunate enough to ascend to the New Earth, you will be much taller than you are now. Your new body will be between 8 to 15 feet tall, and it will also be a light body, which will feel light and weightless. One of the main reasons for this is besides that you are going to be an advance spiritual being, your going to be much taller. It will help you to adjust to a new gravity, which won’t be so dense and heavy as a 3D version. If you stay the same height as you are now, you are going to fly off the planet.
You also will be able to teleport, communicate with other beings telepathically and create things with your Universal Consciousness in a few seconds. You will be living for thousands and thousands of years. No one will be dying on a New Earth from any diseases, you won’t even get sick. You will have perfect health. When you decide you want to live a different life, you will just leave your body without any pain. Then you will appear in a new form in a different part of the Cosmos living your new life.
In the New Earth the plant based foods that you will be eating mostly for the enjoyment and not for the survival reasons. Your light body will completely absorb all of the foods that you consume with nothing left, which means you will not have to go to the bathroom ever again, like you do daily in your 3D reality.
We Gnomes are from the 6 dimension, you will be able to meet us, when you ascend. Only pure souls can see us right now in your dimension. In the past human kids were able to notice us until certain age like 5 years old, after that they get tainted by your society and their parents, who usually don’t believe them and try to subdue their imagination with doctors and medications.
We decided now not to show ourselves anymore to children, so not to cause any harm. We are 4-5 feet tall and live in a place surrounded by nature, where mushrooms like to grow. These are specific mushrooms, which can get quite tall, we can jump from one mushroom to the next one. We like to jump from one place to another, we don’t walk.
We built small houses looking like castles in secluded areas in the forest. We love teleportation as well, we can also communicate telepathically. Our population right now is about 1000. Many things are hidden from the human’s eyes, as you see everything through the mind, and not through your Universal Consciousness .
It brings only limitations in the form of believing in Good and Evil. These are common for low vibrational realities, such as 3D or lower. Humankind is still in its infancy, and it has a lot to learn. The truth is that your world is so negative and depressing right now, that we wouldn’t be able to stay even for one day.
We love to have fun and do good deeds. Humanity forgot on how to laugh from their heart and enjoy each others company. You are too consumed with your own survival through these constant obstacles that are thrown to your daily life. Your whole system, it needs to be replaced with a completely new way of governing society. What you have doesn’t work, and it never did, it was created only for one purpose just to be a camouflage to hide the truth from humanity about their origins, abilities and etc.
It makes us very sad looking at humans. All you do, it just run around every day without any purpose with justification, that you need to make money to pay bills. You are paying to be alive, have shelter and food. For us, it doesn’t make any sense, you are allowing for yourselves to be treated like objects. Go back to your roots of being spiritual Light Beings.
It’s time for you to ignite within your soul, the powers to ascend through meditations, where we are, to a New Earth. The shell of 3D is going to disappear in the Universe, as peace and harmony needs to be restored. It has been too long since, your world had tranquility. Unify as one nation across the globe and stop being divided by meaningless differences such as religions, ethnicities, and etc. Now, is the time for you to act as heroes and not as victims. Thank you Ambassador of Light Forces.
You are the Ones who can make the changes in the world.
Channeled Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Light Forces

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