"Pulp Fiction" (1994) Directed by Quentin Tarantino

1 year ago

Where do you start when describing Pulp Fiction, especially with as few spoilers as possible? Three distinct stories spread across seven interweaving narratives. A fractured time line connecting some of the finest created characters of our age. A neo noir or American Noir, with some of the most quotable and indeed quoted dialogue in film history. A story of gangsters, small time criminals, a boxer, a drug dealer and an all important watch. Some criticised the film’s bloody violence and aggression on release, similar to that of it’s predecessor. Major criticism was reserved for it’s open and graphic showing of continual drug taking. Thankfully sense prevailed early on, and it’s rightfully taken it’s place in the hallowed halls of the “Greatest films of all time”.

Like all Quentin Tarantino films, I love this film to obsessive levels! 18 years on this shows no signs of abating, indeed on re watching specifically for this blog it took me way beyond the two and a half hour run time. Rather than provide a brief premise for the film, I’m going to appraise both the opening scene and the closing scene. Will this not break my “minimum spoilers” edict? Actually no, as it’ll provide roughly 5–10% of the film’s content, and it’s a continuation scene of sorts. Tarantino is meticulous with every scene he shoots and I hope to convey this here. I also hope to convey how it makes me and/or the audience feel or react.

Prologue: The Diner

Beginning with “Pumpkin” (Tim Roth) and “Honey Bunny” (Amanda Plummer) and a wide shot of them which is beautifully lit next to the Diner window and one of only four main camera angles used in the Prologue. With a close up on Plummer, similar close up on Roth, and a zoom close up on Roth, he launches into a tirade against immigrant shop owners who have the temerity to fight back during any robbery. This is preceded by playful, sexual banter, edited quickly between the two close up angle shots, building the tension as the topic of conversation settles on their next robbery. Losing eye contact with each other just once to be corrected that “Garcon” in fact means “Boy”, the split second interlude breaks the tension and is the film’s first amusing aside.

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The above opening paragraphs are taken from my original spoiler free review of "Pulp Fiction" penned and published over a decade ago, transferred and updated on my Medium blog site and which can now be read in full and for free via my Substack blog site and original article linked immediately below. I've also added my opus blog article on the entire cinematic career of Quentin Tarantino below too:



This spoiler free review is also integral to volume 4 of my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection". Currently only available via e-book on Amazon, each volume is priced at £4.99 however should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package, you can read each and every volume for free:

Volume 4


All 7 Volume Collection



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