The War on Ivermectin – Forced Protocol – Dr. Pierre Kory – Mikki Willis

1 year ago

Merck, the original manufacturer of Ivermectin, said in November 2021 that Ivermectin was not an effective treatment against Covid and they were concerned about safety. How convenient for them to say this when their Ivermectin patent has expired.

This still was unbelievable as Ivermectin is possible the safest drug EVER approved and the effectiveness against Covid is an absolute NO BRAINER. It works, unquestionably. So how could they say that Ivermectin was riskier than a NOVEL UNTESTED mRNA?

Because they are in on it. They are part of the plan. ALL Big Pharma is. All Food Corporations are. We are in a bad predictament.

This just shows you how ALL the Big Pharma’s were in Lockstep and I’m sure that Merck will have their play in one of the hundreds of Covid Variants that will be pushed.

During this Biological Weapon Terror Attack by the One World Government, Doctors could no longer be doctors and help their patients. Government Protocol FORCED them to NOT treat their patients with SAFE drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and they HAD to follow the murdering protocols of placing their patients on drugs like Remdesivir, which is proven to DESTROY the kidneys and Medazolam to knock them out and then put them on a Ventilator where they had over 80% chance to die. It was MURDER.

Doctors were actually PROSECUTED for prescribing a Generic Drug that was more than proven for decades to be Safe and Effective. They were prosecuted, fired and lost their medical license.

Did people really not see what the hell was going on?

If the WHO, CDC and FDA were REAL, they would also be focusing on supplement that could help INCREASE the IMMUNE system instead of giving drugs that destroy it – the mRNA Covid Jabs absolutely destroy the immune system and it just gets worse and worse as the instructions are for cells to produce the spike proteins indefinitely. Why would they develop a drug (it wasn’t a vaccine) that instructs your body to make the very thing that the Covid Vaccine makes that was INFECTING you?

F*cking Evil Idiots.

What about Zinc and high dose Vit C? If there is enough of both of these Virus cannot survive or take hold in any organs of the body. This goes for ALL viruses. They know this sh*t which is why they are enhancing the power of viruses in labs all over the world.

Then they used PCR tests which do NOT diagnose Viruses. They help detect some inflammation within the body which is an indicator that something is off, but they misused them by PRE-planning the Cyles. Anything over 35 cycles was a GUARANTEE that one would receive a Covid Diagnosis. The body has foreign sh*t in it from just breathing the chemtrailed air and running more cycles is like using a more powerful microscope to see the toxins – they will be evident. It was FAKE.

Dr. Kary Mullis who invented the PCR test that they do NOT diagnose viruses and Fauci doesn't know anything about medicine and he challenged to debate him live on TV. Dr. Mullis was found dead, right before the plandemic. They knew this guy would be a problem as he NEVER backed down from the evil Fauci.

Well planned by these Nazi’s.

Dr. Robert Malone, one of the KEY Inventors of mRNA, flat out says, that anything containing mRNA should NEVER be injected into the body. No one listens and no one cares.

Now we have to worry about the little encapsulated time capsules that may be running around in the body, just waiting for a specific frequency to bust them (break open) to release the kracken of whatever other pathogens they placed in them, like Marburg or God know’s what they put in.

There are couple more Pandemic Simulations that had dates of 2025 and 2028. The Covid could of EASILY been treated with Ivermectin. What about the Next one? One of the simulations is called SPARS.

Gates said the next one will be real. What’s this even mean? How Bill Gates can still walk among us is unreal, he was just at a Baylor basketball game in Texas. Are people still sleeping that the genocide man was right before them?

Then you have the ENGINE of this entire Plandemic, the MEDIA. There is NO way they could have achieved this without having FULL Control of all World Medias. This is the most disappointing as even the Local News were forced to do the Devils work. Shame on them for going along with the murderous script.

You had the late night talk show hosts like that little b*tch a$$ weasel, Stephen Colbert playing Doctor, telling all his imbecilic followers that Ivermectin is no good. You have the same with the little puppet Jimmy Kimmel. Of course MSNBC, and CNN just had a field day - Ivermectin is a "Horse Dewormer", it's not safe, it's not effective. all that bullsh*t. Just unreal.

Anyway, that’s just my two cents.

This is a great video that features Dr. Pierre Kory and many other doctors and is produced by the excellent film maker Mikki Willis.

Here is another good one by film maker Mikki Willis:
Plandemic 3 – The Great Awakening – Miki Willis – How did they get Everyone to go along with this?


Sunfellow on Covid-19 --

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