Islamism, Russia, UN, US - a lot of questions video 6

11 months ago

I asked questions.. Is this all a show staged by various players?
Is it all business like the Shoa?
What's behind it? - look at the picture of the flags again...

Also don't forget the Islamisation of the Western World is a UN agenda called Agenda 2030 (or Replacement Migration - tells you a lot).

But about weird connections I could go on for hours also in Russian Middle East politics... It's endless.... And why oh why does Russia Today only spread Islamist propaganda? No facts.. What is achieved by it?

Like always I forget to say a lot of things like the femicide on Israeli women and that women"s right groups either keep silent or deny the crimes.

Or like that I ask about not only the connection between WEF, WHO & Islamists but of course also UN and Red Cross - both of the latter are deeply involved.
Here are links I mentioned:


This is about women and population:
A German documentary (as soon as I find an English version I will post it here, the French version is called Un monde sans femmes)
(You see the connection to the US, Big Pharm and Gates family)

Why should Israel build Gaza? They attacked Israel. Eat shit. And by the way: it is high time that Hamas, Hisbollah, Islamic Jihad, PLO, Iran, Quatar and UN are forced to pay INDEMNITIES TO ISRAEL for all the damage caused by the attacks, the terror, the wars, the intefadas etc

Some might notice that I leave a lot of things unsaid.

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