Article 4521 Video - Regarding "UNITED STATES NOTES" - Sunday, December 3, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4521 Video - Regarding "UNITED STATES NOTES" - Sunday, December 3, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

The Criminals are attempting to pull the same old schtick they pulled when they had to account for their fraudulently misrepresented "Greenbacks" and responded by creating "Federal Reserve Notes".

Now, the fraudulently misrepresented Federal Reserve Notes have to be replaced by something, and they've come up with "United States Notes".

Please notice that this is the third time they have attempted to pull this crap on the Public and they think they can get away with it again.

Let's briefly review the history:

They purloined the gold backing the "Greenbacks" under False Pretenses.

They promised investors a very handsome rate of return if they bought certain Treasury Bonds and agreed to hold these bonds for either ten or forty years -- the reason they became known as "1040 Bonds".

But in order to buy these attractive 1040 Bonds, the investors had to first convert their gold into Greenbacks -- the paper currency that Lincoln and Salmon P. Chase concocted out of thin air.

When, ten years later, these investors started to trickle in and ask for their gold plus interest back, General Sherman replied thus:

"What did you buy these bonds with?"

Answer: "Greenbacks."

Then Sherman replied, "Why then would you expect anything else as payment?"

The investors had been snookered into buying Greenbacks -- debt notes issued by the Scottish Commercial Corporation infringing on our Good Name and Trademark and doing business as "The United States of America" ---Incorporated.

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