Ep. 22 - How Are All The Conspiracies Coming True? Will This One About Israel Be Next?

1 year ago

Have you guys seen the clip of #CharlieKirk on #PBD. It’s pretty wild. Charlie ask the question that’s on a lot of people’s minds, did #Israel know that the attack was coming and was there a stand down order? It might sound like a #conspiracy theory, but hear Charlie out. He makes some good points. It’s almost as if there’s something much bigger going on right now all things considered. #War in #Ukraine, America on the brink of #civilwar and economic disaster, China moving in to fill the voids around the world. There’s a ton going on and then on top of all that, now in the midst of it all, war pops off in the middle east. What are the odds? We discuss much more in this episode and have a good time doing it. Hope yall enjoy!

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