"Death Proof" (2007) Directed by Quentin Tarantino

1 year ago

“I’m not a cowboy Pam…….I’m a Stuntman!”.

Initially concepted as part of a Grindhouse double bill with good friend and “brother” Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror (which is also highly recommended, naturally), early negative critical reaction saw both films released separately. Both fans of 1970’s Grindhouse cinema whereby the theatres themselves were less than salubrious and the quality of the film print poor and decayed, this is also Tarantino’s singular homage to stuntman orientated films of the period, of muscle cars too but primarily another exploitation film. In relation to Grindhouse itself, it became infamous for the poor quality, crackling sound, badly edited and distorted picture the theatres would provide and in my own amateur homage to this I’ve reviewed this fantastic film by concentrating on this as you’ll see. I’ve also picked and briefly described my three favourite scenes from each Act.

A brief premise: “Stuntman Mike” (Kurt Russell) is a psychotic killer who derives sexual pleasure from car crashes, especially if they involve beautiful women.

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The above opening paragraphs are taken from spoiler free review of "Death Proof" penned and published over a decade ago, transferred to my Medium blog site and which can now be read for free and in full via my Substack blog site and updated original article linked immediately below. I've also linked my opus blog articles on the cinematic career of Quentin Tarantino below too:




This spoiler free review and love-in appreciation is also integral to volume 2 of my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection". Currently only available as an e-book on Amazon and priced at £4.99 per volume, however should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package you can read each and every volume for free

Volume 2


All 7 Volume Collection



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