Article 4516 Video - Yes, I Question the Wisdom of God By Anna Von Reitz

9 months ago

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Article 4516 Video - Yes, I Question the Wisdom of God - Thursday, November 30, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

But I also admit that I don't know the whole story or see the whole picture. My viewpoint is limited while veiled in flesh.

For all I know, Henry Kissinger may have been allowed to live on this Earth for a hundred years for a reason. I just don't know what the reason is.

Or could be.

Maybe he, like Gollum, had a part to play in the salvation of creation.

Otherwise, it's a profound mystery how a man like Kissinger managed to survive so long, when so many innocent souls have perished and been enslaved because of him.

The same applies to Netanyahu. How can such a malevolent being still be alive?

Or Bill Gates?

You would think that their own universal hatred and contempt for life would do them in, but instead, here we are, Kissinger dead at 100, Netanyahu still going strong, Gates still prancing around.

Or Hitler.

Why, you ask yourself, didn't one of the Staff Officers just stick a knife in him?

Was it legions of demons or angels protecting him?

Or was it just craven, self-interested men?

It's November the 30th, 2023. We can finally wave good-bye to Henry Kissinger and the whole dirty Cold War Era he personified.

One wonders what secrets he takes to his grave with him, and what, if anything, he divulged before the end.

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