[ MMD ] Kid's Dance

1 year ago

In this video, I show you one of my attempts at creating a Miku Miku Dance (MMD) animation, a software that allows you to create 3D animations with various characters and models. This video features Death the Kid and Maka Albarn, two characters from the anime and manga series Soul Eater, which is set in a world where people can transform into weapons and fight evil. I wanted to make Death the Kid dance to the song “Sweet Devil”, a catchy and upbeat tune, but I faced many challenges and difficulties. The camera animation file was not working properly, and the huge skull castle model was too heavy and caused the program to lag and freeze. I had to give up on my original plan and let the program do whatever it wanted. I also couldn’t do anything with the Maka model, because the program was too slow and unresponsive. The result is a chaotic and random animation, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!

This video was made with MMD and other tools, and I do not own any of the characters, models, music or sound effects used in it. All credits go to their respective owners. A special thanks to the person who made the Death the Kid and Maka Albarn models, which made this video possible.

The "TsarKazmThe99th" character was made using geN8hedgehog's Furry Doll Maker on deviantArt. https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog/art/Male-Furry-Dollmaker-v1-1-64778353
gen8hedgehog deviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog

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