Episode 428: Why Are You Surprised and Angry?

1 year ago

See full posting at: https://bit.ly/3TSciNt

It is time to ask the hard question as we go, break neck, into the new year: Why are you surprised and angry?

I know, for the last fifty years, most of you were able to see this year approaching like a fully loaded coal locomotive bellowing smoke and steam, heading right at you…. NOT.

Most Citizens didn’t see the track being laid even though they were the minions hammering the nails into the ties. These subtle Hydra’s of destruction, so well made up with rosy blush, large fake eye lashes, blue and purple eye shadow and that deep red lipstick; have the mesmerizing hallucinogens of pride, envy, deceit and blissful ignorance in each ‘serpent’ lock of hair. Yes, here in these United States we have many hydras: in the churches, in local governments, in the various states governments, all bureaucracies and fully infested at all levels of the Federal government.

To defeat these hydras, you would be expecting as many Hercules to burst into the Lernean swamps of the afore mentioned locations. It is not to be so, there is no mythical hero that could win the day over these real monsters of governance. Too many, including so called conservatives and Christian conservatives, have been living in the realm of myth, science fiction and fantasy. When the predicted facts are revealed, then reality proves to have been shining bright regardless of the swamp fog bellowing over the minds of those who take the easy way and end as the Dead Men of Dunharrow.

Conclusion First:
In our 2024 living history, it is difficult in the era of digital gaggles to find a flock to form up with. It seems that there are at least sexdecillian (1051) internet sources for you to garner your needed decision making information from. Yet here you are. Taking into account that large number of recourses, I decided that to address ‘Why Are You Surprised And Angry,’ I will take this program to reference a number of my favorites. I hope to quell your anger and give you several of my more favorable gaggles to fly with.

With all that has been predicted since the writings of the Anti-federalists, Why are you surprised and angry at our present time and situations?

This program is not just a review of 2023 through the views of most noble pundit protagonists of the day. But I will incite you with a number of other notable reviews. Yet more so, I will cause you to shudder at the predictions of the past, the 18th Century past, for the most part.

My predictive conclusion for 2024 is very simple.
Buckle up, gear up and saddle up since the enemies of the Republic are more deeply embedded and fortified than the Hamas tunnels.
The nation is being invaded by criminal bad actors, that being every human that crosses the boarders, and the dept of these invaders treachery is unmanageable by incompetence, actually more like purposeful intent of harm, from those (laughably) adults in charge.

Our elections are afoul with their own Hydras, slithering from state to state, spewing the lubricants of fraud and deception. Every intention by these foul creatures is to breath their poisonous craftiness through all forms of communications, slaying those who would give proper suffrage for true liberty.

Read the rest at: https://bit.ly/3TSciNt

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