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TheDimStream LIVE! Psych Movies (2017, 2020, 2021) | Mr. Monk's Last Case: A Monk Movie (2023)
Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9 ET!
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MudderFetcher :r+catjam: :r+catjam: :r+catjam:
thrasybulus I hear @TheDimStick & @AlexNeedsToLearnATrade need to pick better movies. Tonight's listing supports my unnamed sources close to the matter.
JQuickDraw Supporter Are TV-based movies really movies at all?
RonGreen1 We're rolling back prices to 1965. I'll have a double Whammy burger and an order of Whammy fries.
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Whaaaaa, such blasphemy against Monk and Psych in chat!
thrasybulus Tony Shalube is that foreign guy from the show Wings back in the day right? So he got another job. Who knew?
MudderFetcher we'll all know how to spell Shalhoub by the end
MudderFetcher it's what I fear the most
thrasybulus @MudderFetcher In Arabic, not English.
MudderFetcher oh so Bouhlahs since it's the other way round
JQuickDraw Supporter Shalub was in an episode of The X-Files. He played a scientist who somehow brought his shadow to life, and was eventually killed by it.
JQuickDraw Supporter I thought it was spelled Shah-lube.
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Tony Shalhoub was also the Russian guy in Paulie.
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Wasn't that a theatrical movie?
thrasybulus Oh wait, he played Denzels' sidekick in the 90s movie, The Siege.
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User (Waiting on Alex, by the by. I was actually on time! ^___^)
JQuickDraw Supporter He visits me in the astral plane every night. All hail the Schaloob.
RonGreen1 Alex is getting camera ready.
MudderFetcher he's also in a movie called Rumble...coincidence? I think not
thrasybulus @DimStick It's obvious that @AlexIsLaterThanAFormerVirginAMonthAfterPromNight, "She" 'tisn't here.
RonGreen1 We want Alex! We want Alex!
thrasybulus Did @AlexNeedsAnAlarmClock see the OMG report about the migrant facility in Arizona?
MudderFetcher I heard that one of the migrants broke Alex's foot
MudderFetcher soon he'll be able to rent a car
thrasybulus I know someone who does scheduling and at the endof the year scheduling annual things gets real fun. Imagine it's 2023 & you are trying to get things switched to 2024, but scheduling things for 2025.
FluffyLittleClouds Good evening all.
MudderFetcher Alex's Papier-mâché Feet Made By Beverly can be purchased for $10,000 per pair
thrasybulus Paper Mache, the sequel to Paper Machete no one wanted.
thrasybulus @MFer Good thing she doesn't have to worry about rain.
thrasybulus Thanks for not being a monumental bitch for something I didn't do to you today.
thrasybulus Renting is a scam. If you rent you are paying for whoever purchased it to make a profit.
thrasybulus @MurderGoose2028 wants to only talk to people on the phone about geese and ducks. All other things are a bonus at best.
MudderFetcher the Amazon tracking page shouldn't be the shrug emojii
purpletiger69 You should use fedora for davinci resolve
purpletiger69 you do have to copy some codecs
purpletiger69 to a file
MudderFetcher if Fedora is good for it, is Nobara since it's based on Fedora?
purpletiger69 it is a distro like mint
JQuickDraw Supporter Fedora is not as user friendly for new Linux users as Ubuntu and Mint are.
MudderFetcher Mint is based on Ubuntu which is based on Debian...totally not convoluted
thrasybulus #LearnToCode
JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah, but Mint and Ubuntu are the most stable and easy to use without touching the command line terminal.
purpletiger69 not my channel I dont use davinci but there are some other channels that can help like linuxGame cast has a tutorial for davinci on debian
JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly: "Why can't the computer just do what I want without any effort???"
thrasybulus User friendly is to Linux as Cheap is to Match grade Hollow Point Boat Tail 6.5 Mreedmore ammo.
thrasybulus Creedmore
JQuickDraw Supporter Not wrong, but it's gotten a LOT better over the last decade.
JQuickDraw Supporter I remember using Fedora over ten years ago, and whenever I opened Firefox fullscreen, the bottom of the browser was below the bottom of the viewport. It took hours of research to solve.
FluffyLittleClouds Your boss might want a papier-mâché body part?
thrasybulus Reading the teleprompter aloud without reading it with your brain has caused how many local news blunders?
JQuickDraw Supporter "In local news, a drug dealer was murdered in cold blood. Next Story. That's something, wow!"
MudderFetcher Ding Dongs
thrasybulus @AlexIsHighOnSugar is going to have fun being a medical oddity soon.
JQuickDraw Supporter I used to love Suzy Q cakes. They don't make them the same anymore.
thrasybulus Bimbo baked goods
thrasybulus KJP taught me it's pronounced Canadia.
JQuickDraw Supporter There was a viral clip years ago of a Fox reporter reporting on some story outside, and a guy stuffed a dollar bill down her shirt, IIRC, she kept the money lol.
thrasybulus Taste the plastic.
MudderFetcher somewhere between Beverly eating plastic and out of the trash, The Ginger decided to lock it down
JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, lead chips cancel out the plastic. Eat some lead.
thrasybulus Bimbo is a Mexican brand.
thrasybulus Baked goods.
purpletiger69 Bimbo is mexican
purpletiger69 Mexican
JQuickDraw Supporter They're marketing directly to the hoes, Beverly. If you're not a bimbo, then it's not for you.
JQuickDraw Supporter You ate food off the ground? Wow
MudderFetcher I remember some top of the trash shrimp
MudderFetcher or maybe that was just questionable shrimp
JQuickDraw Supporter "In local news, a crazy woman has been yelling at people and making threatening gestures, with food falling out of her mouth. Take note, if you smell apricot or chocolate, be on high alert."
thrasybulus Wasn't it a law preventing people from feeding their servants the trash food of lobster in Maine back in the day?
thrasybulus Now I remember, they could only feed their servants lobster so many times a week.
JQuickDraw Supporter This conversation just keeps descending...mmm gravel cheesecake lol
JQuickDraw Supporter I've just realized, Beverly sounds like a homeless person. Eating food off the ground, asking for others' leftovers.
thrasybulus "My friend prevents me from eating the holes..."
MudderFetcher my point still stands that The Ginger is a lovely man for standing-by his soon-to-be-wife and her far too frequent bouts of food poisoning
JQuickDraw Supporter Should it even be considered "food" poisoning if she gets sick from plastic?
thrasybulus @ErlHobo has a fire to roast her can of unlabelled "food".
thrasybulus Psych and Monk were shows that were clearly I saw one episode I've seen them all type shows.
MudderFetcher Hoboverly?
thrasybulus @BeverlyHoboly
MudderFetcher Bumverly
thrasybulus Planner: You want all your desserts to be served in miniature trash cans?
thrasybulus Hoboly: Yes.
thrasybulus Ginger: Does that cost more?
thrasybulus Can anyone name the best original show ever to air on the USA Network?
MudderFetcher L isn't streaming until Sat. I thought
MudderFetcher speaking of (kinda), one Juliet has mentioned an interest in streaming again at some point
JQuickDraw Supporter Police Procedural shows = kill me now please
thrasybulus So no one can name it. Thanks for trying.
MudderFetcher was it Up All Night?
thrasybulus For your future viewing pleasure, the correct answer is La Femme Nikita.
MudderFetcher USA had one of the WWE shows at some point right?
thrasybulus They had WWF back in the day.
MudderFetcher if it takes place at Christmas and has Christmas music = it's a Christmas movie
JQuickDraw Supporter I think Gremlins is a Christmas movie.
MudderFetcher it's Christmas enough damnit lol
thrasybulus I taught you.
MudderFetcher kip up short (prob mute it):
MudderFetcher shorts suck sorry lol
thrasybulus WWF became WWE because World Wildlife Fund sued them. So Wildlife Wrestling Federation with Pandas with a chair on the shirt.
MudderFetcher gotta do #9
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Just got here. What are we doing?
MudderFetcher Alex broke her foot and Beverly eats questionable shrimp
JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus They lost that case so badly that they had to back over old pay-per-view shows and pixelate the WWF logo on any new DVDs.
thrasybulus Particles Per Milisomething.
MudderFetcher this is a writing room stream of consciousness
MudderFetcher I was hoping for bone spur but it seems like a really shitty thing to hope for lmao
thrasybulus Sarah Chalke is just the substitute Becky from the Roseanne show.
MudderFetcher Sarah Chalke is best Becky
MudderFetcher Beverly please send me your notes so when my wife makes me watch these movies I can ruin all of the best jokes
MudderFetcher she watched both series so probably
MudderFetcher I do like the bromance on Psyche
thrasybulus Every place can be a hiding place. Besides, people tend not to look up.
MudderFetcher they digitally aborted her
MudderFetcher Ray Wise may be my favorite part of Twin Peaks
MudderFetcher we're gonna get a bonus Vagina Fact
thrasybulus @MFer but no intro.
thrasybulus There was some show about women who didn't know they were preggers.
MudderFetcher that's a properly sexy stinger
JQuickDraw Supporter Ah, the three period pregnancy, also known as the ellipsisarian.
MudderFetcher Alex saying "Semen Dies" is my new ringtone
MudderFetcher just keeping the torch lit for Winky
thrasybulus If @AlexNeedsANewSegmentForTomorrow there was a woman with a double uterus who gave birth to two non-twins recently.
thrasybulus Swimmers die out of the pool.
MudderFetcher we're a weird species
MudderFetcher animals take zero vaccines and leave the lame to die
JQuickDraw Supporter My semen is the special forces of reproductive fluids. It lives outside for days, tracking vagina in hostile territory, impregnating with extreme prejudice when target is acquired.
thrasybulus Individual Mate Selection good, Societal Directed Mate Selection bad.
RonGreen1 If you don't want children, marry a starving, sick woman.😂
thrasybulus Removing ourselves from nature can result in a massive natural selection down the line.
JQuickDraw Supporter Genetic selection is like everything else. If people can control and hurt others with impunity, and especially if they stand to gain from doing it, they will give in to the temptation.
thrasybulus People who were hardy enough to survive childhood in the preindustrial world were to some degree preselected.
MudderFetcher a pregnancy test is kinda cheaper than a doctor visit would be my guess
RonGreen1 There will be a day when AI will take DNA samples, and show you what the children will look like.
thrasybulus Ginger: Honey, why do we have 300 pregnancy tests under the sink?
thrasybulus Hoboly: It's Alex's fault.
MudderFetcher Alex's Doctor: "I've heard you've been limping...did anyone who identifies as a man catch-up to you?"
thrasybulus Doctor: I could give you a definitive answer, but then I could be sued. So you may or may not be alive.
MudderFetcher a fictional world without "current year" bullshit?
thrasybulus Bounce Back Girl: Wedding's still tomorrow, I need a new groom. Find him fast Mr Monk.
thrasybulus How is this San Fransico without the poop and used needles?
JQuickDraw Supporter Fear of Germans is understandable. They're a strong, dangerous people. Oh wait...
JQuickDraw Supporter It's San Francisco while China's leader is visiting.
thrasybulus Chairman Winnie not the Poo.
MudderFetcher think I'm gonna watch Psych,,,I already have OCD so maybe not Monk
MudderFetcher you were the son, now you're the father, hello grandpa...great gran is bed-ridden
MudderFetcher I won't be clipping fucking bigot Alex lmfao
thrasybulus He's retarded and Tony had to convince him to come out...
MudderFetcher he's OCD focused...very little seemingly nonsense
thrasybulus Mrs Marple
thrasybulus She sells toll house cookies. Lots of houses sold.
Egerog hi
thrasybulus Annulment.
Egerog my oldest girl would dance to the monk opening when she was a todler
MudderFetcher We were at climax...nope
thrasybulus Psychics see things, just like how the Psychic Hotline and Miss Cleo foresaw their problems and stayed in business.
Egerog I have Wife 2 daughters a dog (female) and 6 hens.
thrasybulus Sounds like an estrogen overdose.
JQuickDraw Supporter @Egerog So you're figuratively and literally hen-pecked?
Egerog yes
Egerog mostly from sunshine the leghorn
purpletiger69 An easy way to set up Davinci on Linux but some people may have issue with is to use Manjaro (I recommend the KDE edition) and enable the AUR it will install easy I use to run Manjaro for a year.
JQuickDraw Supporter You should watch old BW Disney cartoons in honor of Mickey Mouse slipping into the public domain.
purpletiger69 for a year no problems but some people recommend against this but davinci installs easy through Aur once enabled in pamac
JQuickDraw Supporter I don't hate the 200 version. It's a straight up SBIG movie.
JQuickDraw Supporter *2000 version
JQuickDraw Supporter I ran into issues with a manjaro install, had to do with the BIOS on my laptop I think. It was painful.
purpletiger69 AUR stands for Arch User repository
purpletiger69 Pamac is a package manager
JQuickDraw Supporter So Bad It's Good
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JQuickDraw Supporter lol Lisa Simpson - "Yahoo Serious Festival? I know what all those words mean separately, but together they don't make any sense."
JQuickDraw Supporter Thank you 🙂
JQuickDraw Supporter "She will be doing the Hobbit." "Phrasing."
JQuickDraw Supporter May 2024 bring us all many more Alex Orgasnorts.
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