"The Big Lebowski" (1998) Directed by The Coen Brothers

1 year ago

“I’m The Dude. So that’s what you call me. You know, that or, His Dudeness, or Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing”.

Following a tumbleweed through an open Los Angeles, “The Stranger” (Sam Elliott) narrates an opening monologue about “The Dude” (Jeff Bridges) and we’re immediately introduced to the world of Jeffrey Lebowski aka The Dude. A stoner and carefree attitude to match, he is mistaken for “The Big Lebowski” (David Huddleston) a multi millionaire with a life and attitude vastly differently to The Dude. A urinated on rug “they pee’d on the rug, Walter!” he demands compensation from the intended target. A stolen rug later, not to mention the offer of a blowjob from The Big Lebowski’s wife “Bunny” (Tara Reid) and The Dude is embroiled in a kidnap payoff that goes disastrously and hilariously wrong!

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The above opening paragraphs are taken from my original spoiler free review of "The Big Lebowski" penned and published over a decade ago, transferred to my Medium blog site and which can now be read in full and for free via my Substack blog site and original updated article linked immediately below. I've also linked my original opus blog article on the entire career of the Coen Brothers below too:



This spoiler free review is also integral to my 7 volume series of "essential film reviews collection". Currently only available in e-book form on Amazon and priced at £4.99 per volume, should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package you can read each and every exhaustive volume of multiple film reviews for free:



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