Beautiful Russian woman singing in car

1 year ago

This video was originally uploaded on the now-deleted Русский Оккупант / Russian Occupant YouTube Channel
Reupload of original deleted YouTube video at

12/06/2016 Кишинев. Автопробег. День России. Россия. Мы за тебя постоим!
Это Молдавия. Кишинев. Народ Молдавии любит Россию! Сегодня по улицам молдавской столицы прошел автопробег приуроченный к Дню России. Russian Occupant https
Hindi Translation:
12/06/2016 चिसीनाउ। मोटर रैली. रूस दिवस. रूस. हम आपके लिए खड़े रहेंगे!
यह मोल्दोवा है. किशिनेव. मोल्दोवा के लोग रूस से प्यार करते हैं! आज, मोल्दोवन राजधानी की सड़कों पर रूस दिवस को समर्पित एक कार रैली निकाली गई। रूसी अधिकारी https
Common Translation:
12/06/2016 Chisinau. Motor rally. Russia Day. Russia. We stand with you!
This is Moldova. Kishinev. The people of Moldova love Russia! Today, a car rally dedicated to Russia Day took place through the streets of the Moldovan capital. Russian Occupant https

The moment i heard this song sometime around 2017, i feel in love with it. It is so beautiful and mesmerizing. I have never heard Russian language sung such beautifully. I had put this song on multiple playlists on YouTube but a few years ago i discovered that YouTube had deleted the video and the channel. Many times i tried looking for it over and over again in all my playlists, searching for it in vain on YouTube, because the title was in Russian and I just didn't remember it, or the name of the artist or anything. Today, for some reason, I felt like I just had to find this song. How can (((they))) decide whenever they want to delete good songs off my playlist! I went through every "9 unavailable videos are hidden" message on all my playlists on YouTube, figured out how to display the hidden deleted videos, copied their URLs and made a list. I spent the whole day trying to find another copy of this song. In desperation I also tried Archive and Wayback Machine. Even twitter which was actually surprisingly good and provided titles/info about some deleted YouTube videos since people tweet about liked YouTube videos a lot. I also searched on 10 different Reddit threads. No answers. Somewhere, on the internet, someone must have uploaded it, somehow i will find it! I kept looking but nothing was working. I looked through all my playlists, noted down the URLs of all the deleted songs that YouTube had removed. Then I googled them, i yandexed them one by one, some of the links showed up hits and i was able to cancel those other URLs out. I searched for ways to discover deleted YouTube videos with just the URL, went to Quora, all the answers there were copy paste instructions to search on / The Wayback Machine blah blah, useless answers, since (((They))) have also ensured that these archive sites are useless. They didn't show any valuable information. After hours of searching I luckily somehow landed up on thanks to ths Reddit post by the coder of this neat app , it's a tool that provides information about even deleted videos through some coding magic. It was very helpful in cancelling out even more URLs from my list of deleted videos videos. But it only showed the description of the videos, not the thumbnail. But luckily when i Telegrammed the links to myself (for transferring between PC & Mobile) I discovered that Telegram had some secret sauce of its own and was able to extract the thumbnails and descriptions of these deleted videos! That's how I managed to recollect the thumbnail of the video and zero in on the correct URL from my long list of probables. I earlier only remembered that the channel name was somewhat Russian Occupant and the Channel profile image had a picture of a soldier handing over a cat to a child. From bits of info collected from I was able to find the Русский Оккупант pages on and I went there and messaged multiple people, and even some Russian friends, asking about the song. I made comments on various pages asking random people if they recalled the song that had "a Russian woman singing in a car with cars on the road that were waving the Russian flag". All day I kept doing this. But the thumbnail provided by Telegram was a confirmation that the URL ( was definitely the one. I tried OCR searching the Russian description text shown on the thumbnail image on Telegram and got the text, but I ignored this for many hours while I kept opening 40 tabs on my 3 browsers open simultaneously. Just as I was about to give up, i thought of searching for this text on yandex. And Bingo! I landed on

I was right. Someone, somehow, did upload the song somewhere. It was here! I quickly downloaded this song and saved it, lest (((they))) disable the page. Thank you Natali Brovarskaya. God bless you for keeping this song alive. I believe, before these reuploads by me to YouTube/Odysse/Bitchute/Rumble/Soundcloud, that was the only copy of this song online. I'm sure of it because i looked everywhere for hours and hours. Now this song will live on and hopefully reach more people. Thank you for reading my blog. xD. The functionality on Telegram produced this thumbnail which (((they))) promptly disabled as soon as they noticed that I had found the right video using it. I OCR recognized the Russian text and searched in on Yandex. I got just 1 hit. The right one. Thank you again Natali!

Does anyone know the name of the Artist? The woman singing on screen? The original song if this is based of an earlier song / lyrics / music? Is this an original song or a cover of some other song? I request some Russian speaker to please translate the lyrics and post them in a comment, so I can add them as a Subtitle/Transcript to this video.**Edit** Ha, thanks to YouTube Content ID i got the info that this song's original artist is "АХ, РОССИЯ". But it seems the beautiful lady singing in the car in this video has indeed made a new cover and sung it herself. Her voice is even better than the original singer Viktoria!

Thus credit to АХ, РОССИЯ - Виктория ЧЕРЕНЦОВА and the now-deleted Russian Occupant / Русский Оккупант channel where I had originally discovered this song and whose logo is also posted at the front and back of this video.
They have deleted their presence from YouTube (as is my 2024 Resolution - to move away from (((their))) gmail, (((their))) youtube, (((their))) whatsapp, (((their))) twitter, (((their))) facebook, (((their))) bullshit disinfo and data stealing ops. Z!
Русский Оккупант current channels are:

(((they))) have their fangs spread out in multiple countries. Jio Reliance ISP in India is actively blocking/throttling connections to and, half the time i had to do the browsing using my national indian internet backbone telecom company BSNL's mobile internet, because gujju Jio / Reliance / Ambani is (((their))) agent. (((they))) also either have their fangs up in Telegram, which is supposedly a Georgian company, or they monitored what I was doing and made some backend changed at YouTube's code. I'm not joking.
Around 8 hours ago when I was searching and discovered that Telegram is able to turn even dead YouTube links / links of deleted YouTube videos into thumbnails, i took a screenshot and posted it as an answer on Quora where I searched for how to find info on deleted YouTube videos. I wanted to post the correct answer because all the bots and bot-like humans there were copy-pasting the rote answer of "go to archive / wayback machine blah blah". Seriously, these "indians" on quora give a bad name to all Indians. And they are not even indians but sri lankans technically, but let's not get into that. Here is the answer i made on Quora with a screenshot of how the Telegram functionality was working magically.
My Answer:
The image proof / screenshot that shows that the functionality was working on Telegram:
This is now they have now disabled this functionality.
(((they))) monitored my activity and my post on Quora about the magical functionality of Telegram being able to detect the Thumbnail and description of even deleted YouTube videos, and within 30 minutes this functionality was removed either from YouTube backend and/or Telegram. That's how bad (((they))) are. $#%@ them. TKD. Z!

But not to worry, i soon also discovered that even though Telegram/(((their)))YouTube had disabled this functionality, it was still sort of working on When i was messaging various people, some of the links showed thumbnails and some showed the description. I wonder what technology enables and Telegram to fetch info and even thumbnails of deleted YouTube videos. Well, one can't understand how everything works, just as long as one knows how to work it.

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