Article 4510 Video - And the Digit Counters Fall - Wednesday, November 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4510 Video - And the Digit Counters Fall - Wednesday, November 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

With Evergreen, the Rockefeller Wet Works giant down the toilet, Evergrand, the Chinese construction giant had to follow, and now comes the collateral damage. Another giant Chinese corporation has fallen and it's taking millions of jobs with it.

Just imagine all the CIA pensioners on Medicaid.

The only thing propping up BlackRock is the mercenary fighting in Africa and a giant insurance fraud--- which is going to catch up to them.

UBS is failing to deliver bonds.

Then, DTCC erases those bond numbers as if they didn't exist.

Quaint. Oh, wait, that's a "Q" which stands for "Queen" word.

I can't wait until we have "T" words that stand for "Turd", as in Charles, the.

The "US Treasury" holds a sale for United States Treasury Bonds, and the only Buyer is the Federal Reserve.

In other words, they bought back their own bonds.

Pathetic. That's a P Word.

Thousands of bank franchises closing their doors.

Emergency meetings with white-faced bankers agreeing to whip up batches of "Central Bank Digital Currencies" out of thin air.

The Maritime Commercial Banks are going down like so many ships breaking deep in a Perfect Storm.

Miles of strip malls and office buildings standing vacant.

Sixteen million (with an "M") foreclosed homes standing vacant.

Where are all the people?

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