Article 4501 Video - International Public Notice of Lawfare By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4501 Video - International Public Notice of Lawfare - Sunday, November 26, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

In Scotland to this day apprentice Barristers are called “devils” for a reason. It’s because they are being taught the Law of the Sea, and the Sea is acknowledged to be Satan’s realm and home where he was “cast down from Heaven”.

So the Law of the Sea is Satan’s “law” and the practitioners of it are rightly called “Devils” and “Masters of Deceit”.

It should come as no surprise then that the man most singularly responsible for destroying and polluting ten millennia of English Common Law was a Scottish Admiralty Attorney, William Murray, otherwise known as Lord Mansfield.

He is credited in today's white-washed version with "reforming" English Law, but to many observers, it is apparent that he destroyed it, instead.

The essence of Murray's reform was to bring Admiralty Law ashore and intermingle it with English Common Law, a forced and unholy marriage that resulted in what is today called "Equity Law".

The only "equity" in Equity Law is the King's, which is precisely what its proponents like about it.

The new law set up by Murray established a system on the land by which the King's cronies could dispose of private property (and persons) however they liked, so long as it was in the King's arguable best interests----and get a share of the spoils themselves.

This neatly divested the King from any direct responsibility for the courts, and created a self-perpetuating system of greed-fulfillment that runs without undue oversight. As long as the accounting mechanisms are kept in trim, the fleecing can go on day and night for years on end with barely a ripple breaking the surface of this parody of justice.

This criminal equity system derives from a long history of "prize money" under British Admiralty Law, by which a captured ship could be "salvaged" and towed ashore, sold, and the receipts shared out with so much going to the King, so much to the Captain who captured the ship, and so much split up to the members of the crew.

This is what happens in Equity Courts to this day, wherein the Government gets its' share, the Judge receives his bit, and the rest goes to the Attorneys.

The prisoner or defendant in the "dock" --- naval term ---is misaddressed on a "docket" -- another naval term, and is mischaracterized as a captured ship being salvaged. The victim's soul is considered his "cargo" and the "salvage" operation is considered to be his "salvation". The payment of fines and dock fees is his "redemption".

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