Doctor Petre Ho-Ho Taste on... The meaning to Life, the Universe and Everything!

1 year ago

A humorous take on some extremely serious matters... the story behind the story is what matters most. Consider the source. And did History really stop before your lifetime? Time to stand up... and not believe the Cigarette Scientists like Anthony Fauci who was appointed to the head of NIAID in November of... 1984. The height of Cigarette Science in all of it's deplorable despicableness.

An Expert that is bought and paid for isn't an honest public health advocate. What is an "Expert"? For that read the book "BOUNCE" by Matthew Sayed. No expert was born that way, you were meant to learn, built to do so and a second opinion can be priceless. There has never been a more important time in History to realize Benjamin Franklin's dream of the "Citizen Scientist". Anyone who tells you that you are too dumb to figure things out... tell them to go pound sand. Then talk to many "experts" and do some reading and, if you can, some research.

Wishing you and yours all the best in real science and health ~ S.

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