Lunchtime Chats ep 154: Cycle of letting go, acknowledging truths, knowing your true desires

1 year ago

This week's #LunchtimeChats​​​​ topic notes:

2:02 Falseness of ‘new year’; letting go cycle; deeper learning of trusting ourselves, creating roots for spring equinox; desire and intentions
7:25 more realities and realms opening up; acknowledging truths; we are responsible for the timelines we create; overcoming fear and trusting uncertainty, embracing interconnectedness
12:38 reference to a man talking about prophesies and programs; program of matrix; reflecting on how we give authority away; taking action with our truths and intention; what do you truly desire- macro and micro
21:06 this years challenges- taking responsibility for your own reality; proper use of our personal power; taking a pause in gaining clarity and calmness; don’t let yourself be in the reactivity of things
26:15 when we can give ourselves the respect of who we really are, we realize our impact & personal power; the matrix makes that challenging for us; realizing sacredness in life and bringing it forth
31:20 what is a sacred drama- we embody a certain drama with others like in a play for the purpose of unravelling and awareness; sacred drama can also be done as soul retrieval; imagine if your daily life was a sacred drama
38:28 Christina’s reference to Guatemala; suggestion to slowing down and making space; gridwork
43:00 Desires in alignment with moving & emerging energies; gratitude and sacredness; being in right relationship with your sacred drama in a way you understand its happening for you
47:21 reference to Star people & Sasquatch; pay attention to dreamtime and hypnogogic state - reassurance in those spaces
51:32 Sacred sisterhood; feminine consciousness & realizations; resolution of feminine neediness; increase of women’s independence

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Christina, the acceleration expert, shares liberated perspective on topics and other issues important to seekers, healers, and way-showers, keeping it real and thought-provoking.

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Lunchtime Chats Purpose: To help others achieve self liberation, how to find your life purpose or soul purpose in life. We want to be a guidepost on how to empower yourself and others, how to awaken to your true power, how to design a life you love, how to be your most authentic self and how to see past illusion.

Lunchtime Chats is a weekly series by Lightbody Academy, where we personally guide others to unwind intuitive blind spots; bring healing and resolution to your lineage and ancestors; sharpen your inner compass and intuitive knowing; utilize dreamtime for personal healing and guidance; and cultivate an interconnected community around you.

Our overall goal is to help others through their ascension journey through training and workshops. If you are a multi-dimensional such as a starseed, lightworker, healer, intuitive, truth-seeker, then you will feel right at home with the Lightbody Academy community.

What differentiates Lightbody Academy?
Lightbody Academy provides experiential exploration of multi-dimensionality. This approach allows the experiencer to discover the truths from within their spirit that they are ready for at that moment. Wisdom can be known but not told. As that changes and evolves, we guide them through the navigation.

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