Mickey Mouse Horror Game: Infestation: Origins

11 months ago

Nightmare Forge Games has announced Infestation: Origins, an episodic 1-4 player co-op survival horror game set in 1988. You play as an exterminator called upon to rid dwellings of "twisted versions of classic characters and urban legends." And yes, Mickey Mouse is one of those characters. The game is set to release later this year on Steam as an early access title.

the original title--Infestation 88--has been changed to Infestation: Origins. According to the devs, the "88" in the title was due to the game being "set in the 1980s, with the year 1988 chosen simply due to its symmetrical design in the game's artwork/logo." They say they were subsequently made aware of the Nazi connotations of the number 88, which is used to discreetly reference "Heil Hitler" by Nazis. Compounding the alleged connection was the focus on rats, which is what Nazis referred to Jewish people as during the Holocaust.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2635640/Infestation_Origins/

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