Article 4500 Video - Cheating Melchizadek - Sunday, November 26, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4500 Video - Cheating Melchizadek - Sunday, November 26, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Abraham bribed a priest of an unknown God for a blessing, promising a tenth of the choicest of everything to the priests, who, two generations later, were “set apart” as the Levites.

So Abraham’s “Blessing” was the fruit of bribery.


Ask yourself— does our Creator stoop to accepting bribes for blessings? What could we possibly give or sacrifice to our Creator that he does not already have, or that was not given to us as a gift?

What kind of craziness is going on here?

It gets better.

Abraham’s Blessing (which he gained by bribing Melchizadek) is stolen from the rightful inheritor, Esau, by Abraham’s lying, cheating, cowardly Grandson Jacob, and his scheming Mother.

So, a “Blessing” bought by bribery is in turn stolen and comes into the possession of a Liar and a Thief.

Jacob, the Liar-Thief goes on to Father the Twelve Tribes, and he keeps his Grandfather’s deal with Melchizadek going by defining the Levites and setting a tenth portion of everything aside for them.

A lot of the Levite duties involve ritual killing of “sacrifices” to this Unknown God.

That includes ritual killing of human sacrifices.

The Bible makes plenty of references to this though the Churches try to downplay it and gloss it over.

Abraham readily accepted the idea that he had to kill his only Son, Isaac.

Later generations just as readily adopted turning God’s House into a slaughterhouse. Cattle, sheep, goats, even doves and sparrows were killed by these blood-thirsty madmen.

And the whole time they have been killing what they could never create or replace.

Over and over again throughout both the Old and New Testaments we are faced with violent, cruel, and bloody acts being adopted by the Israelites as acts of worship — from Circumcision to “passing their sons and daughters through the fire” — that is, burning their babies alive as more sacrifices.

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