Exodus CH 35. The O.T Tabernacle layout shows the Trinity in Salvation.

1 year ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Thursday, January 4, 2024 Exodus CH 35. The O.T Tabernacle layout shows the Trinity in Salvation.
Pastor Rick Kabrick PO BOX 595 Tiverton RI 02878
Well here the LORD tells Moses and us that HIS Glory is HIS LOVE, HIS extreme love for HIS people. HIS nature is to love deeply. The glory of GOD is Mercy and Grace, patience love, truth. It is marked by HIS compassion and faithfulness and faithfulness in all those areas, all those characteristics. But there is a part of that love and mercy and grace that must invoke HIS wrath.
But we forget or we fail to recognize that the Glory of GOD is found in the absolute love mercy grace etc., that HE has for us. Even HIS wrath to the unbelieving is a part of HIS Glory. Therefore, from HIS love for us comes HIS wrath for those who reject HIM. GOD’s greatest desire is that we humbly serve HIM, come before HIM in all our need. GOD’s desire is that we become more and more like Yeshua.

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