Article 4497 Video - QFS -- The Brit-Chinese Trojan Pig Released by.... By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4497 Video - QFS -- The Brit-Chinese Trojan Pig Released by.... HSBC. Who Knew? - Saturday, November 25, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

We've been calling him "China Joe" for years now.

And we described the whole process set in motion forty years ago when the whole new US-CHINA détente was established and resulted in millions of American jobs being exported and our industries being shut down.

We described the migration of the Parasite from Mainland Europe to Britain, from Britain to the US, and now, from the US to China.

The name the Parasite assumed was "China Development Fund" --- more popularly referred to as the CIA Retirement Fund.

And this was, of course, all undertaken by the Brits.

The Brits are always, always, always at the bottom of every dog pile.

While their home country is left so destitute that they can't even afford to leave the European Union (the real reason BREXIT hasn't happened) HSBC and its backers and shareholders are enjoying the ill-gotten spoils. That's why we call them parasites.

We forewarned you that the "QFS" --- "Quantum Financial System" was developed under the Code Name "Crimson Gate" at Wright-Patterson AFB -- the CIA's Second Home next to Langley -- for the purpose of placing the entire world at the mercy of the Chinese Government.

Crimson Gate. Red Gate. Get it?

And now we have their implementation Playbook:

They intend to convert the old SWIFT System into the Basel III compliant AIIB System and then into the Chinese CIPS System (so they have control of all the transactions SWIFT used to carry) and then they call this renamed, rebranded, updated version of SWIFT in Chinese hands the "QFS" so everyone is deluded and thinks that it is something else, developed by "the Americans" so it's all right.

What a crock.

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