Article 4495 Video - Colonialism, Territorialism, Corporate Feudalism, Terrorism By Anna Von Reitz

9 months ago

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Article 4495 Video - Colonialism, Territorialism, Corporate Feudalism, Terrorism - Saturday, November 25, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Last week I was involved in a diplomatic conversation in which we were discussing the horrible wars taking place in Africa and the total lack of humanitarian response to help the victims.

No Red Cross. No sanctimonious Christian Clubs. No United Nations. Nothing at all. Just carnage and destruction, and the western news media blacked out so that the only people hearing about this live in China and Russia, those bastions of the Free Press....and India, to some extent.

As an American sitting in on these discussions, the experience was mildly surreal. The Russians had the news clips. The Chinese and some ministers from India corroborated.

And there we all sat, mute Witnesses to mechanized warfare carried out by mercenaries wearing our uniforms and flying our flags, fueled by Federal Reserve Notes, transferred by the SWIFT System, or else on pallets in the back of C-130s.

Forget about Helicopter Money. Even Chinooks can't carry enough of the fodder, as fast as it's devaluing.

Some of the mercenaries wore white helmets. I dully wondered if they were surplus from snow camouflage? Makes as much sense as sending wool Army blankets to Nigeria as "foreign aid".

The white helmet was certainly no gesture of truce. They were ratt-tat-tatting away with their automatic weapons like all the rest, mowing down unarmed African civilians like so much wheat in a field.

And all of this was taking place on the screen in eerie silence, just like the silent newsrooms worldwide that aren't reporting on this.

This is what "we" do, but not what "we" say.

All I could think was, "My God, my God, no wonder everyone hates Americans. They think we are directing this."

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