Article 4492 Video - My Remembrance of JFK and My Problems With Trump By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4492 Video - My Remembrance of JFK and My Problems With Trump - Thursday, November 23, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Jack Kennedy was not a saint, and he would never claim to be such a rarified character as some people make him out to be. He was ambitious, hot-blooded, impatient, intemperate, but also creative, logical, responsible, and in the main, a generous spirit.

He was the epitome of the athletic, idealistic, forward-thinking young men that graced the top of his generation, and in losing him, we lost a vital part of ourselves.

That was bad enough, but by accepting the obviously contrived narrative surrounding his brutal assassination, we did ourselves more damage-- damage to our minds and hearts and honor.

Anyone, even a little seven year-old girl in Wisconsin, who saw the film footage of the event knew where the shots came from, knew that the Warren Commission Report was bunk, and was left with the whole non sequitur of the event and our reaction to it, dangling like an unfinished sentence.

In the aftermath of the assassination that took place sixty years ago today, amid the circus of Lee Harvey Oswald, the world's most obvious Fall Guy, and Jack Ruby, the world's most obvious Dying Anyway Mobster with a family to feed, I just shook my head and asked my Mother, "Why isn't anyone arresting Lyndon Johnson and Allen Dulles?"

It was that simple and obvious to me, as I asked that most ancient question --- "Who benefits?" and reached my conclusions without effort.

I was only seven, barely hatched, still reading Dr. Seuss. I can only imagine how many battle-hardened WWII veterans looked at that headshot and knew what to think, how many adults thought the same thing as me and never voiced a whisper.

We all knew he'd been murdered and I believe to this day that we all knew who murdered him, but we acted like deaf, dumb, and blind paralytics, unable to react to the evil right in front of us.

I don't ever want to see that side of America again.

And that's part of my problem with Trump.

(1) He went along with the whole Covid 19 vaccine genocide. He bought billions of doses of the crap using our credit, and those billions of doses enriched the criminals responsible at the same time that it harmed and killed Americans. Nobody should just give him a free pass for that.

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