Accelerated Manifestations of a Rogue Planetary Body in Our Solar System

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It cannot be denied that many geologic and meteorologic events have been occurring on Earth in a greater than normal fashion. It appears that earthquakes, volcanic activity and even weather events have been occurring in a greater frequency and forceful way. Scientists seek to figure out why these things are happening but they fail to acknowledge what is staring point-blank in their faces. That explanation is that there are a number of planetary bodies passing through our solar system that seem to be stirring up natural processes such as the ones that I have mentioned. Why, one would ask are why have so many of the Elite built underground enclaves for their protection? Why are they in such a rush to establish a worldwide system of enslavement of mankind? Today on Opposing The Matrix I will look at these questions and more regarding this subject. Showtime is at 5PM Pacific time on Rumble and Twitch.

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