Seed Time and Harvest Part 2 | God's System Mindset

8 months ago

In this video, from April of '23, I dive deeper into developing the proper mindset about God’s Seed Time and Harvest. It is a beautiful system that is certain and absolute. None of us can change it and none of us can escape it. What we can do is learn about it and utilize it as...well, God designed it to operate. And btw, He designed it for our benefit!

If you’re looking for ways to better follow the Lord and His Word, you’re in the right place. Every episode of the Taking Your Dominion show covers the Biblical topics of identity, purpose, and place and how to fulfill God’s Kingdom plan “on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

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My Name is Steve Grossman and I’m a certified Temperament Counselor and Life Coach. I write, speak/teach, counsel and consult to help people like you be established in identity, purpose, and the application of God’s Word for a lifetime. Be sure to hit the “Like” and “Subscribe” buttons to stay up to date.

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