Alex Jones Debates Messianic Jew Who Believes He Has Discovered

1 year ago

Alex Jones Debates Messianic Jew Who Believes He Has Discovered the Root of All Evil

We all know this guy is telling the truth. It just another example of us unwilling to speak up for our selves. (Christians, and whites, etc.) I'm a little confused by Alex's hostility towards him. Especially with all that Alex has hanging over him. Maybe what we need to do; is make a list of the actual people who are against Humanity and Christianity, WHO HAPPEN TO BE JEWISH OR ACTING IN KHAZARIAN, OR ZIONIST FAVOR EVEN ISRAELI JEWISH BEHAVIOR.

It's apparent to me that when ever people of the elite want to hide the facts they attack our language; such as the nonsense of LBGTA+ ??? Whatever that is. The false racial claims made against basic talks; or the twisting of common terminology to obscure the true meanings of basic understanding of language and terms.
i.e. terms and basic icons: Like the term Gay, the rainbow symbol of it now means alternative sexuality, and then usurping our free speech laws by preventing that very free speech (By drowning out speeches). Changing the meaning of simple terms such as gender, such as our understanding of female, or male, WTF is non-binary(WTF?), and an unlimited variety of even more side streets of sexual ideologies.

The long and the short of it, basic facts are not racism, or bigotry. They are just facts, at least to the extent where we are trying to get at the real truth... Even that, I said the real truth as if there is any other kind. That is the result of the manipulation I am speaking of...

Alex, try and listen, he isn't saying anything you haven't said a million times yourself in the past...

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