Jon Rappoport: MK-Ultra, Mind Controlled Mass Murderes/Mass Shooters Are Groomed & Protected

1 year ago

Jon Rappoport: MK-Ultra, Mind Controlled Mass Murderes/Mass Shooters Are Groomed & Protected
MK-Ultra Was Just The Start. Evil Psychopaths, Empty, Void of Compassion, Hatred For ALL Life
(((I am still feeling sick, but not as bad right now. Not a Cold or the Flu, but something more Nefarious?)))
Serial Killers and Mass Shooters show a history of Protection and Coverup by Law Enforcement and the Courts.
Posted December 31st, 2022
Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up
Most of the series information comes directly from the book: Programmed To Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder by author David McGowan.
Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport gives a talk entitled "The CIA, Mind Control and Children" about the CIA's abuse of children to create mind control agents. Author of "U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments on Children", he talks about the impact of the mind control testimony submitted to the Presidential hearings on radiation experiments. Jon speaks about the mindset of those responsible for these horrors, the Nazi connections with the mind control doctors and the implications of mind control on society.
Topics - MK-Ultra / Nazi Experiments / Mind Control Experiments / Jolly West / False Memory Syndrome/Foundation / Project Monarch / Ewen Cameron / Jose Delgado
Re-upload from the channel Joe Hallenbeck:
Investigation in Serial Killers, Assassins, Mass Murder, Spree Killers, Cults, MK-ULTRA, Project Monarch, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Military, Army, U.S. Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, CIA, Mossad, Black Ops, FBI, OSS (CIA), Special Forces, KGB, Intelligence Agencies, Blackmail Purposes, Global Conspiracy, Disinformation Agents, Cointelpro, Satanic Ritual Abuse, False Flag, Psychological Warfare, Electronic Warfare, Satanic Networks, Occult, Satanism, Wicca, Black Magic, Alchemy, Witchcraft, Devil Worship, Magical Thinking and Secret Societies
PART 308
As Dave McGowan argues in Programmed to Kill, the standard profile of serial killers as lone nuts driven only by their inner demons is often wildly inaccurate. When the evidence from numerous high-profile cases is assembled, there are an astounding number of parallels that create a much different image of the serial killer. Many serial killings are in fact murders of political significance, used to protect criminal enterprises such as drug trafficking or sex rings.
Even more disturbingly, there is often evidence of mind control programming by intelligence fronts: the military, prisons, mental hospitals, doctors, Satanic cults, etc. Such programming is used to condition these "serial killers" to commit crimes they otherwise would not or confess to crimes they did not actually commit. The treatment of serial killers by law enforcement and the courts is filled with irregularities as a result. Before committing the crimes that brought them notoriety, many serial killers received extremely lenient treatment to the point of cover-up, evidently enjoying protection as a government asset.
Once they were no longer needed, they were railroaded into taking the fall as a lone killer, prevented from maintaining their innocence or revealing accomplices.
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