Don't Take It Personal When....

11 months ago

You pray and pray and pray and prayed and you even fasted and you even ask other people to pray with you and when God answers you start forgetting about him when he answer about the job you wanted when he answer about the relationship you want it when he answer about all those things you've been asking for you start forgetting about him see he give you that car he give you the house and give you the job he gave you and give you and give you and give you and the more he gave you the more you forgot about him why why is that see your relationship with God should not be based on he gives you you relationship with God should just be based on the love that you have for him because he has so much love for you he give you so much what I even deserving anything yet you only think of him when you're asking for something in the sad thing is that God's always waiting for you he's not going to force you to do anything because he loves you so much that he's gives you free will but yet you forget about him as soon as he answers a prayer how about rejoicing and say thank you Father for everything you have done for me thank you for the situation that I'm in because you teach me only you understand the story because you wrote the story how about saying that how about just rejoice and I'm being expressed God bless you

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