Astrology for the Soul January 3, 2024

1 year ago

As a powerful person of integrity, 
I need to be inwardly clear, 
And commit to serving and give my best, 
To all I hold near and dear.

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This week, as the Sun proceeds through Capricorn and Mars enters it on Thursday, the time is ripe to focus on bringing order to chaos, initiating new plans, and committing to creating what we want this year. In this week's report, I speak to the sacred, earthly, and personal expressions of the king/queen energy as well as the shadow side of corrupt leadership (ego-driven).

Particularly challenging (and empowering) is the Sun squaring Chiron in Aries all week (exact on Saturday). This square mirrors the tension between us expressing our own personal kingly/queenly power when it is being taken, blocked, and suppressed by corrupt people and institutions of power in today's world. This week offers us the opportunity to recommit ourselves to our soul path of service to our loved ones and all we hold dear in this world. To do so, we must reclaim our power, speak our truth, and heal the wounds of powerlessness and victimization represented by Chiron in Aries.

It's wonderful that the Sun is simultaneously trining Uranus, the enlightened rebel, along with Mercury direct in a 3/4 square to Neptune for the third pass. These aspects bring fresh insights, inspiration, and even visions for us to manifest into reality this year. There is no greater need right now than influential leaders in every walk of life to bring about the changes this year will ask of us. Like the Indian chief claiming power from the tribe in this week's Sabian Symbol, let's declare our sovereignty and lay out some strategies for the powerful, eight year of 2024. See you there!

This week's song is We Three Kings:

So Much Love,
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🎵 Pele Soundtrack Playlist: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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