Xi Jinping Has Ordered the PLA To Stand By and Be Prepared To Attack Taiwan at a Moment’s Notice

1 year ago

01/02/2024 Nicole on Stinchfield Tonight: As Taiwan's presidential election approaches in 10 days, Xi Jinping is ready to launch a Hamas-like attack on Taiwan. According to our sources of the New Federal State of China, Xi has ordered the People's Liberation Army to be prepared to attack Taiwan at a moment's notice, and now the CCP is preparing to send thousands of balloons equipped with weapons systems for reconnaissance, and even carrying time bombs.
01/02/2024 妮可做客Stinchfield Tonight:随着台湾在10天后的大选临近,习近平已准备好对台湾发起类似哈马斯的突袭。根据新中国联邦的消息来源,习已命令解放军做好随时攻台的准备,现在中共正在准备发送成千上万个配备有武器系统的气球进行侦察,甚至会携带定时炸弹。

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