Article 4481 Video - Their Language v Our Language - Friday, November 17, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4481 Video - Their Language v Our Language - Friday, November 17, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

When we, Americans, call ourselves "sovereign citizens" we look like idiots. When someone else calls us a "sovereign citizen", they look like idiots. And when we allow someone to label us a "sovereign citizen" without objection, we all look like idiots.

The words "sovereign" and "citizen" are mutually exclusive in meaning. You can't be a "sovereign" and a "citizen" at the same time. This results in what is known as an oxymoron. Oxymorons are gibberish.


What we are and what we need to clearly say to our employees, is that we are "foreign sovereigns" --- that is, foreign with respect to them and the District of Columbia.

Oddly enough, this is language they recognize.

So next time you are dealing with some confused soul trying to call you a "sovereign citizen", call them on it.

"I am afraid that you are confused. I am a foreign sovereign with respect to you, and even if I wanted to be a "sovereign citizen" neither I nor anyone else could answer to that, because "sovereign citizen" is an oxymoron. No such thing exists by definition."

Lately, minions of the foreign Federal Subcontractors and their franchise brethren running the foreign State of State organizations, have started calling our assemblies "self-declared government organizations" in a dismissive and insulting way.

Obviously, they don't know that we, Americans, stand under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, and that results in a "self-declared government" if ever there was one. Smile and remind them of that fact.

Stupid is as stupid does.

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