More of What You Want (Pre-Distribution Preview

1 year ago

2024-01-03 My Story for Today

Life can be disappointing. Sometimes the greatest disappointments are with ourselves. Did you start the New Year with New Year’s resolutions? I usually start the year planning with my family, charting goals, and trying to live life on purpose. It’s more involved than making resolutions and hopefully is more significant and will last longer.

Some things are out of our control. Accidents, addictions, circumstances, and things that come at us from the outside still find reasons to point a finger back at us. Often it is with good cause. If only we’d been more careful, if only we’d never started developing that bad habit, if only our investments had worked out, if only we’d phrased that remark differently, etc.

Some of us have already broken that New Year’s resolution.

This is a pain that we all relate to, a need for restoration of a different kind. I long for the day when I no longer let my God down.

I’m still pointing you to that Christmas album, to the songs that are about everyday things, exacerbated by tyranny and the holiday perhaps, but with us 365 days a year. I write some of these songs about personal pain but this one is about pain I observed in a few friends. Like Christ, I want to be able to feel the infirmities of others. He came as a human in order to relate to us this way. So whether this is your struggle or not, please listen, especially if you like the blues.

PS. I used to be a procrastinator but I haven’t got around to it for a while. The whole album is up on Bandcamp now. The songs are individually mastered but not volume-balanced with each other. That will be fixed by next week, Lord willing. Full distribution will come 6 weeks after balancing the master. Next post I’ll reveal
what is coming next.

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