The Chinese military needs our prayers, they will be the demise of the CCP.

1 year ago

When the world, especially America realizes that the CCP has been at the helm of all these major chaotic events and that the traitors in the US are also part of this diabolical multifaceted plot attempting to destroy the USA, THEN we can finally begin to deal with our enemies. I do however believe the BEST way to handle Xi Jin Ping and the top CCP leaders is to reach the People's Liberation Army of China with the word of God. Pray for wisdom as I preach daily to a very unique audience. The Chinese military see how they are self-destructing under the tyrannical leadership of so-called Chairman Xi. Isaiah 49:24 "Can the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of a tyrant be rescued?" YES, by the grace of God and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. January 3rd, 2024, Naples, Florida We at the ME Foundation see God changing lives on a daily basis.

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