Speaker Mike Johnson and GOP DelegationDeliver Remarks on Border Security in Texas

1 year ago

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) delivered remarks at apress conference Wednesday in Eagle Pass, Texas - asite that's become home to a sprawling makeshiftencampment following a record-breaking surge ofmigrants crossing the southern U.S. border.

Johnson is heading a delegation of some 60 GOPmembers visiting the Texas border city. Like many inhis party, he favors a hard stance to limit immigration.

A GOP border bill that passed in the House lastsummer has been rejected by the Democratic-majoritySenate. The Speaker more recently told SenateMajority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) that aid toUkraine must be tied to approval of the House bill.

Meanwhile, criticism of President Biden's enforcementof border policy is central to the campaigns of hisRepublican challengers - most crucially formerPresident Trump, the clear GOP primary front-runnerand a longtime fierce opponent of leniency inimmigration policies.

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